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是的,我们还有一间雅座可以安排宴席。Yes, we still have a private room for banquets.

一楼浴池,二楼旅馆饭庄,有雅座。The first floor bath, second floor hotel Fanzhuang, in private.

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您是想订主餐厅的餐桌还是雅座的餐桌?Would you like a table in the main restaurant or in a private room?

雅座单间是一个小房间,一扇木制屏风把它与酒吧其它区域分隔开来。A snug is a little room blocked off from the rest of the bar by a wooden screen.

摆满了雅座和餐桌的、幽暗而温暖舒适的酒吧,正是一醉方休再好不过的地方了。This dark and luscious warren of cosy booths and tables is dedicated to indulgent nightcaps.

踏进主室之后,再走几步就会看见一些散布的雅座以及免费的站桌。A few steps down into the main room, one finds a scattering of booths and free-standing tables.

在西方,我得等上几周,甚至是几个月,才能在一个奢华的雅座里私下咨询我的医生。In the West I waited for weeks, even months to privately consult my doctor in a luxurious private room.

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杰克和莉莉来得较早,就选了一间叫六六顺的雅座。七点钟,比尔领着两个人进来了。Jack and Lily come early and choose a room called liuliushun. At seven Bill comes in with another two men.

六月份于优惠时段内,头100位入场车主更可获得两张早餐劵,让您于露天雅座下品尝丰富早餐!First 100 drivers can receive 2 breakfast cash vouchers during the free parking period in June to enjoy an alfresco breakfast!

总经理陈海和他的两位格林和唐莲,坐在餐厅雅座内的桌子旁。Chen Hai, the general manager, and his two Green and Tang, are sitting at a small dining-table in a partition of the restaurant.

那个戴尔支持中心自动升级的服务最诱惑人了,因为听上去,好像这个电脑要给我再飞机上找个雅座似的。The “Dell Support Center Automatic Upgrade” was the most tempting since it sounded as if the computer wanted to give me a really good seat on a plane.

在酒吧区则出现水晶吊灯,然而在另一区的雅座内则以光彩的光线照亮,它让此区域成为一个私密且温暖的空间。A feature of the bar area will be a chandelier over the bar itself while an incandescent glow at the booths will provide a sense of privacy and warmth of colour.

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酒店的商务和休闲设施为厦门之冠,贵宾楼层雅座更享有360度辽阔景观。The business and leisure facilities offered in Marco Polo are unparalleled in Xiamen – the Continental Club Floor offers a fully-equipped private Club Lounge with panoramic view.

此外,烟雨任平生还工于诗联、国画,笔耕不缀,在一文学论坛任楹联雅座首席版主。Other than that, Yan Yu Ren Ping Sheng was also skilled at poetry and couplets and never stopped writing them. He is the moderator of the 'Couplets Saloon' section of a literature forum.

宾馆餐饮部现有装饰曲雅、古朴、中西风格的雅座小餐厅、宴会厅、多功能自助厅、会议餐厅,共计400多个餐位。Hotel F & B song Ya existing decorative, quaint, small lounge and Western-style restaurant, banquet hall, multi-functional self-service room, meeting, restaurant, seating a total of more than 400.