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阿妈正在使用其他锄头!Grandma is using the other hoe!

大牛,你看阿妈那么热情。Daniel, since Amah is so sincere.

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我的阿爸,和阿妈,现在终于在一起了。My father and mother, now together.

藏族阿妈的家就在这里。The Tibetan auntie's house is here.

韩佳你看,阿妈等着我们呢。Han Jia, look, Amah is waiting for us.

可是你阿爸阿妈会很担心的。But you dad and mum will worry about you.

大牛,你刚才跟阿妈在说什么呀?Daniel, what were you talking about with Amah ?

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不好意思,只好继续请阿公阿妈伺候啦!Sorry, Grandpa and Grandma would have to deal with her for now!

大神烟沙叫阿妈梅烟生下了九个姑娘①。The great god Yansha asked Meiyan to give birth to nine girls ①

巴克太太不理解的现实意义阿妈的故事。Mrs. Barker does not understand the relevance of Grandma's tale.

大牛,你看阿妈那么热情,你就再喝一碗吧。好好好。Daniel, since Amah is so sincere, you just have another bowl. Okey.

我的阿妈就说是我拿的,拿去喂贵芳子的兔子…" My mother said, "It was me. I took some to feed Gui Fangzi's rabbits.

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愿阿妈和巴格万的祝福把爱和喜悦带入你的关系之中。May Amma Bhagavan's blessing bring love and joy into your Relationships.

只要距一吹鸡,肯定打到你阿妈都吴认得你啊!If he blows the chicken, they will fight you until your mother can't know you!

阿妈的生活里没什麽非做不可的事情,买菜、煮饭、整理房子,等两个孙子回来吃饭。A grandma who is over 70 years old lives with her two grandsons in the apartment.

我曾经默默地告别了故乡,离开了阿妈温暖的环抱。I have silently to bid farewell to hometown, and left my mother's warmth of embracing.

杀伤力大概跟女生穿超大件松垮垮阿妈内裤一样,而且还肉色。It almost functions the same as seeing a girl wearing a big, loose, granny pantie, flesh color.

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大贝贝很贴心的说要送给阿公、阿妈、表姊、表哥、姑姑等等。Justin very thoughtfully says that he wants to make one for Grandpa, Grandma, Vivi, Mumu, Aunty etc.

同我祖母不可动摇的纯粹主义截然相反,阿妈姨的语言是那种最不准确的时髦俚语。As opposed to the uncorrupted purism of my grandmother, Mama's language was the loosest popular slang.

阿妈事先听说那边食物短缺,就带了一点食用油和咸鱼回去,准备自用。Having heard of the food shortage, the amah brought in a bit of cooking oil and salted fish of her own use.