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长方体、正方体、圆柱体。Cuboid, cube and cylinder.

所述的凸台由圆柱体和圆锥体两部分组成。The convex plate consists of a cylinder and a cone.

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而在积木中也有很多的立方体、长方体、圆柱体…等。Wardrobe , drawer in the family, are all cuboids too.

对于圆柱体,法向量是,除以圆柱体的半径。For a cylinder, it's , a divided by the radius of a cylinder.

他开始转动一个摇柄,那个圆柱体和它上面那层锡箔便旋转起来。Edison carefully fixed a sheet of tin foil around the cylinder.

已知以z-轴为轴心半径为a的圆柱体。Let's say I have a cylinder of radius a centered on the z-axis.

你们能改变材料,只要圆柱体还是实心的。You can change anything as long as the two cylinders are solid.

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此外,我添加了一个类似圆柱体的圆顶来产生雨天效果。Besides this, I add a cylinder-like dome to create the wet effect.

研究人员用钢制圆柱体对隐声外罩进行了测试。The researchers tested their cloak's ability to hide a steel cylinder.

所以我们能在这替上,这有一个实心的圆柱体。So we can now substitute in there the values that we have for a solid cylinder.

圆柱体顶部表面的投射决定了圆柱体的投影。The cast shadow of a cylinder is determined by a projection of its top surface.

挤牙膏夹本体,可制成圆柱体或长方体。The toothpaste squeezing clamp body can be made into a cylinder or a rectangle.

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增加了圆柱体光和真实面光源以满足大众的需要。By popular demand, the Cylinder light, a true area light source is now included.

该算式同样适用于圆柱体及其它四棱柱上天线。These formulas aer also applicable to slots on the cylinder and otherquadraprism.

例如,桌子是由圆柱体的腿和长方体的顶组成的。For example, a table could be made up of cylinders for legs and a box for the top.

开始我们使用一个具有1个盖片段16个边片段的圆柱体,并且将它转换为一个可编辑网格。We start with a 16 sided cylinder with 1 cap segment. And convert it to an editable mesh.

应力计由双折射材料制成的实心短圆柱体或厚壁空心短圆柱体构成。The stressmeter consists of a short solid or thick hollow cylinder of birefringent material.

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该文介绍了一种由双圆柱体单元组成的全向天线输入阻抗的计算方法。The input impedance of antenna array that consists of dual-cylindrical units is investigated.

两个圆柱体,都是实心的,同样的长度,同样物质,但是一个半径大,另一个半径小。Two cylinders, both solid, same length, same mass, but one has a larger radius than the other.

开始要用一个很重的圆柱体,材料是铜,这个材料是铝。I have here to start with a very heavy cylinder made of brass and this one is made of aluminum.