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这位老人有点重听。The old man is hard of hearing.

你得大声一点说话才行,艾文斯太太有重听的毛病。You'll have to speak a little louder. Mrs. Evans is hard of hearing.

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重听录音并且识别你的语音声调要表达的意思。Listen to the recordings and identify what your voice tone communicates.

他们大多喜欢把聋和重听联在一起作为一个范畴。They much prefer to join deaf and hard of hearing together into one category.

那位老先生患有重听,所以你和他说话时要大声地喊。That old man is hard of hearing, so you have to shout in a loud voice when you talk to him.

虽然我左耳的重听极为严重,但这套软体仍然大显神通。My hearing is severely reduced in my left ear, but the software worked despite this problem.

不时重听佳薇的回家,总让我心中萌起丝丝感动,她是用心在唱的,我深信。This is the best song that she performed. I listened this song many times within these days.

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分数按参加者是否聋人,重听人,或者健听人进行了分类。Scores were categorized on the basis of whether the participant was deaf, hard of hearing, or hearing.

“对不起,”我说,“我不确定我是否理解正确你的意思?重听人的文化?”"Excuse me, " I said. "I'm not sure that I understood what you said. A culture of hard of hearing people?"

促使重听人从自建的孤独与绝望的囚笼中走出来绝非易事。It's not easy to move hard of hearing people out of their self-constructed closet of isolation and despair.

这项研究也许能给聋人或重听人带来唇读训练的新方法。It is hoped this research might lead to novel methods of lip-reading training for the deaf and hard of hearing.

在总体上,对聋人来说平均分数是3.01,重听人的平均分数是3.04,健听人的平均分数是3.18。Overall, the mean score was 3.01 for deaf subjects, 3.04 for hard of hearing subjects, and 3.18 for hearing subjects.

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如我一般的器质上是重听人而完全生活在有声世界中的人占多少百分比?What percentage are people like myself who function as hard of hearing people and live entirely in the hearing world?

对重听孩子更是这样,因为他们也同样地面临着选择他们的听力身份。It is more so for hard of hearing children since they are also confronted with the choice of their hearing identity as well.

那么,对重听人必然产生积极的影响,结果是对耳聋有更多的认识。So, certainly, there have been many positive outcomes for hard of hearing people as a result of greater awareness about deafness.

注意听播放的声音序列,利用按下各组件来重覆这个动作。藉由按下重播按钮,可以重听一次。Listen to the sound sequence played, and repeat it by clicking on the elements. You can listen again by clicking on the repeat button.

当”重听”的标志平等地用于两个群体时,他们的个体与社会的特性则截然不同。While the label "hard of hearing" can fairly be applied to both groups, issues of personal and social identity will be quite dissimilar.

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按聋人,重听人或者健听人分类出来的类别之间的差异在更高的字幕速度上尤其明显。Figure 3 displays this information in a graphic format. The differences between groups were especially noticeable at higher captioning speeds.

我知道,我们都知道,在普校接受一部分或全部教育的一些重听孩子,选择加入聋人社区。I know, we all know, of hard of hearing children, educated partially or perhaps completely in regular schools who opt to join the deaf community.

面对面说,以确保你的脸容易看到。你的脸部表情和嘴唇动作对重听人非常重要。Talk face to face ensuring that your face is easy to see. Facial expressions and lip movements are very important for the hard of hearing person.