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我们扯谎是为了避免冲突。We fib to avoid conflict.

孩子和愚人不会扯谎。Children and fools cannot lie.

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她当面斥责他扯谎。She threw the lie in his face.

吹法螺与扯谎本是同宗。B boaster and a liar are cousins-german.

晓梦指出新月在扯谎。Xiao dream points out that lie crescent.

吹法螺与扯谎本是同宗。A boaster and a liar are cousins- german.

因为你的记载和我所见都扯谎。For thy records, and what we see doth lie.

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扯谎者纵使讲实话也没人相信。A liar is not considered when he speaks the truth.

“他在扯谎。”那个女孩躺在干草上,愤恚地说。"He is lying, "said the girl angrily, lying on the hay.

可一个关于本相的真理是——它很伤人,所以我们扯谎。But here's the truth about the truth—it hurts. So we lie.

研究剖明我们对自己对照亲密的人扯谎少一些。Research shows we lie less to people that we are close to.

“到花园那头去了,”她结结巴巴地说,“我没扯谎。”To the bottom of the park,' she stammered. `I didn't tell a tale.'

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所有广告都在扯谎,只不过是小谎和大谎的区别。All advertising tells lies, but there are little lies and there are big lies.

别太过指责我坦承的纰谬。那样很容易让我因畏缩而扯谎。Donwoult tax my honesty too much. I feel easily frightened into telling lies.

他们为了自己的利益扯谎作弊,让美国年轻人去送死。They lie and cheat and send young Americans to their death solely for their own profit.

他们还巧言哄骗仆人在医院里扯谎,弄得达伟摸不着头脑。They also persuasions she entices coaxing in the hospital lied, servant of wei got confused.

如果你惟有两年的经验,你就不应该扯谎说有五年。You should not tell a lie and say you have five years of experience when you really have two.

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品如跟妈妈扯谎说去买水果,拿了钱包同世贤一同走了。Product such as with mother lied said to buy some fruits, took the purse with the hen walked together.

不甘心的她拿着带血的刀扯谎,说亨嘟曾经死了,弄得雅兰一阵悲伤。Not content to the she took bloody knife lied, said heng du once died, make elegant amram array sorrow.

敦感激了布,可当他晓得对方是为了道而来的时分,立即又扯谎说道搬走了。Nathan grateful for cloth, but when he know each other is to way and to time, immediately and said moved.