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名字显示你的家世背景。Names reveal who your family is.

这部新小说是一怖引人入胜赌家世孝说。This new novel is an absorbing saga.

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这部新小说是一部引人入胜的家世小说。This new novel is an absorbing family saga.

功勋,如今和家世一样,物有所值。Merit, as well as birth, now counts for something.

由于资料的匾乏,人们对卜魁的生平和家世了解不多。Lacking data makes Bukui and his family less known.

他的家世、平生艺历都成了大家注目的焦点。His family and art history have been brought into focus.

文章就鲁明善的家世及其生平仕履进行了研究。This paper conducted a research in his family and career.

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无论你的身份地位,无论你的家世背景。Whatever who your status, whatever your family background.

家世达装璜工程有限公司,成立于2000年。Homestar Decoration Engineering Co. , LTD was established in 2000.

生存主义者通常心地善良、家世清白。The Existentialism usually kind-hearted, innocent family background.

陈诚的家世生平,一直存在一些隐匿不清之处。There exits some points unclear about Chen Cheng's life and his family.

另外,还有一个挤奶的姑娘在家世方面似乎和她不相上下。Besides, another dairy-girl was as good as she, it seemed, in that respect.

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任何人若看到这两幅油画,都会敬畏他们的家世。If anybody sees these two oil paintings. Can awe them the family background.

你们可记得我对于自己的家世,不见得比流浪汉的一头狗知道的更多。You are to remember that I knew no more of my descent than any cadger's dog.

第一部分主要考证张湛的家世及其生平。The first part mainly researches the family background of Zhang Zhan and his biography.

因此你父母的家世,实际上是你整个家族的家世,都会因为你,导致显著的下跌。Their stock, indeed your whole family’s stock, had, because of you, dropped dramatically.

我没有显赫的家世,也没有在华盛顿工作的经历。I don't fit the typical pedigree, and I haven't spent my career in the halls of Washington.

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家人说,家世对于他从政的决定是双面刃。He decided to go into politics despite his lineage as much as because of it, family members said.

由家世显赫的阿富汗国防部长的儿子所经营的NCL公司,无疑是挖到了一座金矿。NCL, the firm run by the defence minister's well-connected son, had struck pure contracting gold.

索埃弗的有广泛影响的长篇家世小说描述了两个分隔了近一个世纪的跨文化罗曼史。Soueif's sweeping family saga describes two cross-cultural romances separated by nearly a century.