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或许这就像手持热炭,你却引火烧身。Or it is like holding onto hot coals, but you're the one getting burned.

年底时,他们会找到一份魔术般的爱情,但这才是真正的引火烧身。At year-end, they will find love like a magic but it will be a real fire.

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在美国历史上,有些总统曾因打出恐惧战术而引火烧身。Other presidents have played the fear card and some have suffered for it.

拍得技巧不够可能会适得其反,很容易引火烧身。The un skilled novice can misuse the principle and get himself fired quite easily.

没人考虑了这种意想不到的后果,从长远来看,我们也会引火烧身。No one has considered the unsought consequences, In the long run we will also get burned.

风投资本家警告创业者勿“引火烧身”,这是对的。Venture capitalists are right to warn entrepreneurs of getting caught with their pants singed.

而由于这次不能如期上映,华纳兄弟不经意间等于是引火烧身。With its transgression, Warner Bros. inadvertently unleashed this powerful force against itself.

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问题是,券商怎样才能确保客户不引火烧身呢?The question is, 'What can the brokerage firms do to make sure people don't get burned?' said Left.

不管你上的是民事法庭还是刑事法庭,多数都会引火烧身。Whether you're taken before a civil court or a criminal court, you're probably going to get burned.

能将道彻底地运用在行为之中的人,他绝不会引火烧身,也不会被水溺毙。He, who is able to apply Tao to his deeds, never draws fire against himself and never drowns in water.

我们可以在那飞一些飞机但绝对不要做什么以免引火烧身!We can fly a few fighter jets over there but it would do absolutely nothing to avert any crises there!

他觉得冈根人没必要管纳布的闲事,与世隔绝才不会引火烧身。He felt the Gungan's isolation would keep them safe from what was ultimately a surface-dweller's problem.

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如果这些领导者只是名义上的角色,这种办法反而会引火烧身。If these leaders are given only a symbolic role then there is high chance that this tactic will back fire.

但在公开演说这样的活动中表达自己的愤怒,却是一门“技术活”,一旦搞砸了,就会引火烧身。But expressing anger during an event such as a public speech is a tricky tactic that, when executed poorly, can cause a backlash.

虽然此举令他们引火烧身,但一部分投资者还是认为金这类股票即将触底反弹。Although they have been burned, some of these investors still believe that the stocks soon will indeed hit bottom and turn higher.

如果交战,朝鲜肯定会给韩国以重创,但最终也会让朝鲜引火烧身,结束金正日对朝鲜的统治。Kim could inflict devastating damage on South Korea in any war, but the result would be massive retaliation that finished his regime.

跟现任雇主之间的这种硬碰硬很可能引火烧身,会引发你们之间的紧张关系甚至导致你被开。A "power play" against your current employer may backfire, leading to strained relations and downward mobility or put you on the fast track to departure.

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因为墨西哥容易引火烧身,不仅仅因为毒品政策,也由于移民问题,最近几年这些事情两党都处理地很艰难。Because Mexico is a lightning rod, not just because of drug policy but also immigration, somethign both parties have struggled to tackle in recent years.