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终于到家了。Home at last.

为什么这么迟才回到家?。Why are you so late getting home?

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姓张得你真是不要脸到家了!Zhang, You really shameless home!

到家了,这正是我想落叶归根之处。It's home, so that's where I'll be.

到家后,她给凯特打了个电话。On reaching home, she called up Kate.

到家下车一看,到处都是白茫茫的一片。Get off a home, in a failed everywhere.

我的主人要在半个钟头内到家啦。My master will be here in half an hour.

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他归到家他勉强才认出他自己的女儿。He goes home and barely knows his own daughter.

他两个小时前就走了。他一定到家了。He left two hours ago. He must have arrived home.

到家后就把衣服放进干衣机里。Put the clothes into the dryer when you get home.

我从商店到家后就开始卸车上的货。I unloaded the car when I got home from the shops.

明天扎克到家后将会非常忙碌。Tomorrow would be a busy day with Zac arriving home.

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在这样恶劣的天气里去爬山简直是愚蠢到家了。It's sheer idiocy to go climbing in such bad weather.

我想问一下贵公司有提供宅配到家服务吗?And I want to know if you provide home-delivery service.

从家庭到家族,都尽量把这些活动搞得隆重而热闹。They try to make these activities ceremonious and lively.

哦,我周五晚上很晚才把活干完,所以到家就很晚了。I finished work late on Friday evening so I got home late.

我对爱德华的那颗心算是佩服到家了。I have the highest opinion in the world of Edward's heart.

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如果你想天黑前到家就抓紧时间。You'd better hurry up if you want to get home before dark.

一股烟味,可我还得戴着这东西,到家再换一个。Minging of smoke. I'll need to wear it till I get home, but.

到家以后,母亲并不怎么热诚地欢迎她们。They were not welcomed home very cordially by their mother.