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请留下评论。Please comment.

博客之外的评论。Off-blog comments.

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你对此有何评论?How do you comment?

这是一个恰当的评论。It was an apt comment.

他谢绝对此事评论。He declined to comment.

请问中方对此有何评论?Do you have any comment?

——评论海地大地震。On the Haiti earthquake.

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请在评论中告诉我们!Tell us in the comments!

谁在读酒店评论?Who reads hotel reviews?

中方对此有何评论?Do you have any comment?

广发证券对此拒绝评论。Guangfa declines comment.

请问中方对此有何评论?What comment do you have?

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里冈拒绝做任何评论。Rigon declined to comment.

请问中方对此有何评论?How do you comment on this?

请让我在评论中了解到。Let me know in the comments.

没有博客或论坛发表评论。No blog or forum commenting.

以下你们所作的评论我都会去读一读。I'll read any comments below.

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如果有,请留下你的评论。If so please leave a comment.

咱们坐在桌边评论辩论。We sat at the table, talking.

FERC同样拒绝做出评论。FERC also declined to comment.