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外袍是史诗等级!Tabard is Epic!

护腕是史诗等级!Bracers are Epic!

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刘易斯史诗巨制。From C. S. Lewis' Epic Masterpiece.

中国的史诗是博大精深的。Epic of china is broad and profound.

进入拉格纳的史诗冒险!The most epic of Ragnar's adventures!

他新拍的这部电影是游牧民族的一部史诗。His new film is an epic of the nomads.

史诗的演唱充满了丰富的音乐性和节奏感。It is rich in musical melody and rhythm.

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不用说,这些战斗将成为史诗。Not to mention, the battles can be epic.

史诗是一种古典的,无宗教信仰的形式。The epic form is a classical, pagan form.

漫步瑶里,宛如穿行在一部陶瓷的史诗中。Yao Li is walking, through a ceramic 's epic.

在25个史诗宝箱中找到绝佳宝物。Look for fabulous treasures in 25 epic chests.

铁匠在史诗克诺索斯不出售头盔。Blacksmith in Epic Knossos doesn't sell helmets.

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中国近现代史是一部爱国主义的史诗。China is modern history be a patriotism is epic.

这个太空时代的最后一章性史诗。The final chapter of this space age sexual epic.

这是一部铭写在黄土地上的壮丽史诗。It is a glory epic inscribed in the loess ground.

谈论下史诗失败和错失的机会。Talk about epic failures and missed opportunities.

这是在荷马史诗中就发现的类比。This is an analogy as old as, and found in, Homer.

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电影院放映着战争纪录片和英雄们的史诗片。Movie theatres showed documentaries and heroic epics.

1421年总是可以在任何史诗中作为一个章节的开始语。As with any epic, "1421" begins with a history lesson.

她在宗教秩序改革中找到了自己的史诗。She found her epos in the reform of a religious order.