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她看起来有点眼花。She looked a little dazed.

我已经觉得乐陶陶眼花潦乱了,可是我很喜欢呢!I feel giddy already, and I like it.

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眼花并可能失去知觉。Giddiness and possible unconsciousness.

直接对着太阳看会眼花的。To look straight at the sun dazzles the eye.

老臣真是眼花了,应该走这一步才对。I?was really vertigo, I should move this step.

南希的第一次读书报告确定会让人眼花撩乱。Nancy's first book report is sure to be dazzling.

北海道的雪祭景观令人眼花撩乱。The Snow Festival in Hokkaido is a dazzling spectacle.

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夏天人容易头晕,眼花怎么办?Summer the person is easy and giddy, how to do giddily ?

头痛,脑胀,眼角痛,肾亏,头晕,眼花,腰酸,背痛。As dizziness, blur vision, low back soreness and back pain.

当我是孤独又最眼花撩乱的时候太阳似乎已经遗失卓越。When I am alone, the most dazzling sun seems to have lost the brilliance.

我从我的隔间地狱里站起身来,觉得一阵眼花,阳光穿过云层照射过来,让我眨眼不止。I rose out of cubicle hell in a daze, blinking in the cloud-filtered daylight.

我将我的黄金岁月花在消极和糊涂里,因为时间的光辉使我眼花撩乱。I spent the brightest part of my time in dimming it, because light dazzles me.

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我简直像掉入一千零一夜的世界,眼花撩乱,兴奋与不安交织。I felt like falling into the world of Arabian Nights, which is so amazing and exciting.

一次,在曼哈顿参观,看着高楼大厦林立,人群熙熙攘攘,我和家人是眼花撩乱。Our family was dazzled by the sights and the bustling crowds during a visit to Manhattan.

Dazzled意为因强光而眼花或被精彩的展览或演出震慑到。Dazzled means blinded with intense light or amazed by a spectacular display or performance.

即使在经历了这些改进之后,照相机闪光灯依然能发出令人眼花的强烈白光。Even after these modifications, the camera's flash still dazzled with a burst of white light.

满书引人入胜的插图和范例,也许会让读者眼花撩乱,迷失本书论述的脉络。Amid these diverting illustrations and examples, the reader can lose track of the book’s argument.

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抗组胺鼻喷剂、花片、类固醇喷鼻剂和眼花水都可以治疗花粉热。It can be treated with antihistamine nose sprays, tablets, steroid nose sprays and even eye drops.

印度的发展模式无疑更加强健。时间将会向被中国弄得眼花撩乱的世界证明这点。India's growth model is infinitely more robust and time will prove this to a world bedazzled by China.

三集以上的系列会另开一个资源,也方便大家寻找,不用看得眼花。Set over three series will also open a resource, but also convenient for you to find, do not see blurred.