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不如试试这些省钱的小招数。Try these money-saving tips.

我再不会被那种招数骗倒了。I won't fall for that gag again.

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我发现了一个聪明的招数。I have discovered a brilliant trick.

他们施尽所有的招数想让我们去。They tried all kinds of tactics to get us to go.

为了打赢这场比赛,他施展出了全部招数。In order to win the game he called on all his skill.

现在就教您制敌的八大招数。Here are eight tips to help you keep control of this enemy.

只是这些招数就能很快让你的阅读速度提高一倍。These tricks alone should double your reading speed very soon.

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我不担心泰勒,我了解他的招数,知道怎麽应对。I'm not worried about Taylor. I've got his numberand I know what to expect.

现在中国会使出所有招数以确保穆迪当不成总理。Now China will pull out all the stops to make sure Modiji doesn't become PM.

但开发商表示,如果软件品质不过关,那什么招数也无济于事。Still, developers say no tactics will help if an application is low quality.

对欧洲竞争者的这些招数的回应都是预料之中的。The response to these in-roads by European competitors has been predictable.

那法师使用神秘的招数攻击物质的物体,让他立即腐烂。The mage mystically attacks a material object, causing it to decay instantly.

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数年以来,在政治竞选中加入种族因素的招数一直很明确。For years, the recipe for injecting race into a political campaign has been clear.

现在,面对马克无心的提问,我选择模棱两可的招数。“有挺长时间了。”我飞快地吐完这几个字。Now, faced with Mark's innocent question, I hedged. “A long time,” I said quickly.

在萨拉弥斯海战中,地米斯托克利也是靠着类似的招数才扭转乾坤Similarly, in naval battles Themistocles at Salamis comes up with a clever device.

这是用长胶打出强烈上旋球的唯一招数,用这招得用力、出速度。This is the only stroke in which you can produce enough topspin to hit with speed.

撷取几则国外知名企业在营销中的绝妙招数,为赢得市场提供了成功机遇。Examples of sale unigue tactics made by famous enterprises in the world are introduced.

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而她的这番批评,恐怕又是力挺丈夫的新招数。This statement criticizing her, I am afraid they are even behind her husband's new tricks.

有时候你想练新招,你会去向那些会这些招数的人学习。Sometimes you want to try new stuff, you see people doing things and you ask them about it.

既然经济不景气,想帮家里节省开支吗?不如试试这些省钱的小招数。Do yuo want to help your family save cash when times are tight ? Try these money-saving tips.