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不可欺压你的邻舍,也不可抢夺他的物。Do not defraud your neighbor or rob him.

挪移邻舍地界的,必受咒诅。Cursed is the man who moves his neighbor's boundary stone.

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我听说我们邻舍那个有夫之妇已出走,逃到她的情夫那里去了。I heard that our married neighbour has escaped to her lover.

谄媚邻舍的,就是设网罗绊他的脚。Whoever flatters his neighbor is spreading a net for his feet.

你得邻舍既在你附近安居,你不可设计害他。Do not plan harm against your neighbor whom lives trustingly beside you.

人若使他邻舍的身体有残疾,他怎样行,也要照样向他行If anyone injures his neighbor, whatever he has done must be done to him

他们像餧饱的马、到处乱跑、各向他邻舍的妻发嘶声。They are well-fed, lusty stallions , each neighing for another man's wife.

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你的邻舍,既在你附近安居,你不可设计害他。Devise not evil against thy neighbour, seeing he dwelleth securely by thee.

百姓要彼此欺压,各人受邻舍的欺压。People will oppress each other- man against man, neighbor against neighbor.

为舍族的1,000位基督徒祷告,愿他们能传福音给未信主的家人和邻舍。Pray for the 1,000 She Christians to reach their lost families and neighbors.

今天,神邀请你们拿起毛巾和盆子,去服事你们的邻舍。Today you are invited to pick up the towel and basin and serve your neighbor.

你与邻舍争讼,要与他一人辩论,不可泄漏人的密事If you argue your case with a neighbor, do not betray another man's confidence

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不可无故作见证陷害邻舍,也不可用嘴欺骗人。Do not testify against your neighbor without cause, or use your lips to deceive.

你的脚要少进邻舍的家,恐怕他厌烦你,恨恶你。Seldom set foot in your neighbor's house- too much of you, and he will hate you.

义人引导他的邻舍。恶人的道,叫人失迷。The righteous gives good advice to friends, but the way of the wicked leads astray.

我又见人为一切的劳碌和各样灵巧的工作,就被邻舍嫉妒。And I saw that all labor and all achievement spring from man's envy of his neighbor.

它可以让家庭,邻舍,工作场所和国家变得有所不同。It can make an important difference in families, neighborhoods, workplaces and nations.

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不过,神不让这些邻舍有机会目睹祂借着一瓶油沛赐祝福的神迹。But God also deprived those neighbors of witnessing the miracle of the jars of blessing.

先诉情由的,似乎有理。但邻舍来到,就察出实情。The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him.

你们听见有话说,当爱你的邻舍,恨你的仇敌。Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.