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我全心全意爱着你。I love you truly and wholeheartedly.

我永远刀会全心全意咁去爱你。I love you forever with all my heart.

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我全心全意爱着你。Ilove you from the bottom of my heart.

你在全心全意爱上帝吗?你在爱人如己吗?Are you loving God with all your heart?

挪亚却没有,他全心全意地顺服神。Noah didn't. He obeyed God wholeheartedly.

当我们全心全意遵从他,神就欢喜God smiles when we obey him wholeheartedly.

我会全心全意,执迷不悔。I would be heart and soul, happily obsessed.

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有时我喜欢全心全意看书。Occassionally, I like to lose myself in books.

有时我喜欢全心全意写作。Occassionally, I like to lose myself in writing.

所以苍天作证,我已全心全意。So the heaven testify, I already wholeheartedly.

有时我喜欢全心全意作画。Occassionally, I like to lose myself in painting.

我全心全意地致力于这项艰巨的任务。I devote myself heart and soul to the arduous task.

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我们全心全意加入他们的行列中,一起寻求上帝的智慧。We wholeheartedly join them in seeking God's wisdom.

恒景全心全意地学习和苦练。Heng Jing put his whole heart into study and practice.

他是全心全意为人民服务的表率。He set an example of wholehearted service to the people.

全心全意为人民服务是最好的金字招牌。He set an example of wholehearted service to the people.

有时我喜欢全心全意沉思。Occassionally, I like to lose myself in deep meditation.

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其中一条规则就是全心全意为人民服务。One of the rules was to serve the people heart and soul.

尽自己的能力全心全意为SSI工作。The ability to do their work wholeheartedly for the SSI.

周恩来精神的核心是全心全意为人民服务。The core of Zhou En-lai's spirit is to serve the people.