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检查员看见了那名妇女。The inspector saw the woman.

检查员还挂起这点。Inspector also pendred this point.

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检查员也使这点悬而未定。Inspector also pendred this point.

一名检查员被派去调查此事。An inspector was sent to inspect it.

检查员用粉笔在我的行李上写了“查讫”。The inspector chalked O.K. on my baggage.

一名警察带检查员去了一个里面的房间。A policeman took the inspector to an inner room.

行李由海关检查员加上了铅封。The luggage was plumbed by the customs inspector.

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如果SPCA检查员不来救援,这只猫会死去。This cat would die if SPCA inspectors did not rescue it.

检查员检查了狗窝和里面的小狗。That inspector inspected the kennels and the puppies in it.

这么一来,卫生检查员又怎么会清楚呢?For that matter, how would health inspectors know?" he said.

海关检查员正监视着钻石走私的活动。The customs inspector was on the watch for diamond smugglers.

Marquette现年46岁,是纽约市建设局的五名吊车检查员之一。Marquette, 46, one of five crane inspectors with the NYC Dept.

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检查员内心的感觉告诉他她是无罪的。The inspector's inner feelings told him that she was innocent.

如果SPCA检查员不解救他们,这些狗将会淹死。These dogs would drown if SPCA inspectors did not rescue them.

为了避免更多的悲剧,检查员发动了一项革新。To avoid more tragedies, the inspector initiated an innovation.

“检查员不相信你的说法,”翻译警告我。“The Inspector does not believe you,” the translator warned me.

每年SPCA检查员解救数百个动物。SPCA inspectors rescue hundreds of animals in danger every year.

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那本书中有好几段被新闻检查员删去了。Several paragraphs have been deleted from the book by the censor.

一个坐在我旁边的男士问我‘您是做什么的’,我告诉他我是国务院的文件夹检查员。I told him that I was a paper-clip inspector in the State Department.

咱们的现场质量检查员将每天向工程项目经理报告请示。Our site quality inspector will report to the ProjectManager everyday.