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十八世纪中叶,欧洲人开始移居新西兰。European migration began in the mid-18th century.

其后17世纪中叶,节日流传到英国。Then mid-17th century, the festival spread to Britain.

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日本的歌舞伎兴起于十七世纪中叶。Kabuki appeared in the mid-seventeenth century in Japan.

中叶肺不张主要有炎症引起。The atelectasis of median lobe mainly due to inflamtion.

十四世纪中叶,萨迦地方政权逐渐衰落。Since mid-14th century, the Sagya power began to decline.

啤酒纸商标的出现大约是在18世纪中叶。Beer paper trademark appeared about in middle 18th century.

以及其他二十世纪中叶的现代建筑师们。And other modernist architects of the mid-twentieth century.

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明朝中叶,朝政腐败。The Ming dynasty palace of the twentieth century, corruption.

明中叶,吴中地区兴起了"古文辞"运动。Campaign of "ancient text" rose in Wuzhong in mid-Ming Dynasty.

它是由“恐怖的沙皇伊凡”于16世纪中叶所建。It was built by Czar Ivan the Terrible in the mid-16th century.

这个概念在上世纪中叶的时候源于英国。This concept originated in Britain in the middle of last century.

19世纪中叶,小沙渡地区还是沪西荒僻之地。Xiaoshadu area was still a waste land in the mid of 19th century.

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洛可可主要是一个法国风格的十八世纪中叶。The Rococo is a predominantly French style of the mid-18th century.

夏玉米各器官中叶片和雄穗的硫含量较高,而茎秆和雌穗的较低。Leaves and male spike had higher sulphur content than stalk and ear.

驻阿富汗的10万美军,在2012年中叶会友3万3千撤离。Of 100, 000 US troops in Afghanistan, 33, 000 will leave by mid-2012

到16世纪中叶的时候,辣椒在欧洲、非洲、印度和中国已经广为人知了。By the mid-1500s, they were known in Europe, Africa, India and China.

现代口腔种植学始于20世纪中叶。Modern oral implantology was given birth in the middle of 20 century.

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它源于清代中叶,大兴于民国初年。It originated from the mid-Qing Dynasty, Tai Hing in the early Republic.

科学社会主义创始于19世纪中叶。Scientific socialism originated in the middle of the nineteenth century.

二十世纪中叶现代风格的起居室设计,简约自然。Mid-century modern style is characterized by simplicity and natural shapes.