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这些都是鱼的标本。All these are fish specimen.

它们是标本来的,大型的,That are stuffed, you know, huge,

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标本瓶在它们的标签下闪烁The jars glinted under their labels

如果标本来路不明,就不能以此为鉴。If the unknown sample, not a lesson.

我喜欢参观植物标本馆。I like to visit the Plants Herbarium.

来自天柱山的矿石标本。Specimen of rock and ore from Mt. Tienchu.

你应该把这看做是宇宙的微缩标本。Think of it as a microcosm of the universe.

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获得标本进行实验室确认。Obtain specimens for laboratory confirmation.

这是肺周围型腺癌的大体标本。This is a peripheral adenocarcinoma of the lung.

这部集子里有许多花蝶标本。There are many admiral samples in the collection.

另在4侧标本上摹拟手术设计。The imitate operation was designed on 4 specimens.

此种模式标本已不存在。The designated holotype species has not been found.

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建筑艺术的伟大标本巴别塔就是一个大蜂窝。The great symbol of architecture, Babel, is a hive.

磨砂的载玻片经喷砂处理以标记标本。Frosted slides are sandblasted for marking specimens.

单是该校自然历史博物馆便藏有1200万份标本。Its natural-history museum alone holds 12m specimens.

书里面夹着各种各样的花卉和植物的标本。Many kinds of flowers and plants were put in the book.

猛犸标本的表皮和肉身都保存完好。The skin and flesh of those dug up are well preserved.

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血标本和病毒滴度应被采集。Blood samples for viral titers should also be obtained.

这些标本有助于我们把握地球生命的多样性。They help us grasp the diversity of life on the planet.

他用盖玻片来准备永久标本。He uses cover slips to prepare permanent visual records.