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她没有如期付款。She fell down on her payment.

货物已如期运到。The goods arrived on schedule.

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可是你可以如期完成。But you would finish it on time.

竞买人必须能够如期实现。Bidders must be able to meet DEADLINES.

我们如期收到您昨日发来的信。We have received your letter of yesterday.

我只支付当十大如期达成。I only pay when top10 is reached ON SCHEDULE.

他们是否将如期完成是值得怀疑的。It is doubtful that they will finish on time.

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会议将如期召开。The conference will be convened as scheduled.

你认为你的工坐可艺如期完成埋?Do you think you'll the work finished on time?

欢庆活动在倾盆大雨下如期举行。Festivities were undeterred by the heavy downpour.

原本预计应于上周五完成这笔贷款,但却没有如期完成。The loan was expected to close on Friday but hasn't.

任务已如期完成。The task has been accomplished according to schedule.

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工人们如期完成了生产指标。The workers achieved their production target on time.

夜晚来临的时候,暴风雨如期而至。As night fell, the promised storm blew up around them.

格利和阿帕查的婚礼终于如期举行。Aggeri and the check wedding finally held as scheduled.

别担心,我有信心我们可以如期完成的。Don't worry. I'm confident we can finish it on schedule.

2010年达到1000家是张文中的目标,但是这并未如期而至。He aimed to have 1,000 by 2010, but that did not happen.

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三年前在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的第二届中非合作论坛上,中国提出为非洲培训一万名各类人才,这一目标将于今年全部如期完成。This target will be accomplished as scheduled this year.

这还意味着,新萨博9-3应该能在2013年如期上市。It also means the new 9-3 should be back on track for 2013.

会面的日子如期而至,所有事情如计划进行。The day of the meeting dawned, everything had been planned.