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你有没有听到过蓝色月光下野狼的哭嗥?Or let the eagle tell you where he's been?

民主党下野,共和党执政。The Democrats are out, the Republicans in.

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你有没有听到过蓝色月光下野狼的哭嗥?Have you ever the wolf cry to the blue corn moon ?

1955年庇隆政权下野之后,博尔赫斯成为了国家图书馆的馆长。After Peron's deposition in 1955 Borges became Director of the National Library.

他组织协调了冬季示威活动,最终导致了穆巴拉克的下野。He is your coordinator of the winterprotests that ultimately led to Mubarak’s ouster.

他们似乎下野时比执政时能提出更好的建议。They seem to make better proposals when they are out of office than when they are in power.

保皇派议员则认为反对派是企图让查韦斯下野。Pro-government legislators argue that the opposition is seeking to ease Mr Chávez out of office.

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民主的精髓就在于权力和平的轮替,不管是哪个政党或部落上台或是下野。The very essence of democracy is peaceful rotations of power, no matter whose party or tribe is in or out.

据报道,蒋虽然行将下野,但仍将继续控制和谈。It was reported that Chiang, though going into retirement, would maintain control over the peace movements.

1954年,吉田茂下野,结束执政,其死对头鸠山一郎当政。Yoshida's rule came to an end in 1954 when he was unseated as prime minister by his nemesis, Ichiro Hatoyama.

另外,在大多数情况下野桑蚕的遗传距离表现出与空间距离正相关。Furthermore the genetic distance of the mulberry wild silkworm was positively related to the distance of space in most cases.

方法分析49例误诊的患者行纤支镜而确诊的肺下野结核。Methods The clinical data of 49 misdiagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients who had been confirmed through fiber bronchoscope were analyzed.

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日共官员坚称其不会参与联合执政,即使这意味着在党派之争中自民党54年中的第二次下野。JCP officials insist they will play no part in a coalition, not even if it means turfing the LDP out of office for only the second time in 54 years.

昨天国家安全顾问鲍威尔中将说,美国正完成一项协议,安排巴拿马强人诺列加将军下野,但里根总统尚未批准该项计划。Panamanian strongman Gen. Manuel Noriega to step down, but President Reagan has not yet approved the plan, Lt. Gen. Colin Powell, national security adviser, said yesterday.

通过健康调查表,对日本四日市旧污染区楠小学校及非污染物下野小学校的学生进行有关变态反应性疾病患病情况的流行病学调查。Pupils of Nan primary school in old polluted area and Simono primary school in control area were selected as investigating subjects and health questionnaire survey were conducted.

属于社会党的西班牙首相萨帕特罗在2004年马德里发生震惊各界的恐怖袭击时取得压倒性胜选,使当时的执政党人民党下野。Spain's Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero swept to power in 2004 amid the high drama of the Madrid terrorist attacks, unseating the ruling conservative Popular Party.

由于经济危机,首相被迫下野,我们打算在本月下旬召开一次会议,讨论新首相的人选。Because of the economic crisis, the Prime Minister was forced to relinquish power, so we will hold a meeting at the last ten day period this month for the selection of a new Prime Minister.