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不知而知其不知者,是少学,帮教他。He who knows, and knows not he knows, he is asleep, awaken him.

并且它帮教我们更多依赖团体中的他人与上苍的力量。And it teaches us to rely more on the fellowship of others and on strength from God.

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如古,越来越长的教校当用长媒体拆备辅帮教受教养。Today, a growing number of schools are using multi-media equipment to support teaching.

就轻缓只针对本地人,提出建立帮教基地等措施来保障平等。As to local people's probation, the author suggests that we should set up base to ensure equality.

我国传统的安置帮教工作与国外对出狱人的保护制度相比有自己的特色,但也显出不足之处。In contrast to the overseas practice, our traditional work at the social protection has its characteristic and shortage.

我国监狱联合社会力量进行帮教已有二十多年了,取得了一定的成效。Our country jail union society strength carries on the social organization to have more than 20 years, has obtained certain result.

还对社区矫正本身应具有的特殊的矫正途径和技术——社会帮教进行了阐述。Also elaborate the special way which is carried on generally in the community-based correction itself, namely the social organization.

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对上述个案的研究实践表明通过个别帮教的方法可以较好地对中学化学学业不良学生实施转化。The result suggests we can transform the underachiever middle school students in chemistry through the method of the face-to-face teaching.

由于调解、帮教和辅导工作需要专业知识和技能,可以通过培训和特聘的方式招募人才。Mediation, help &education and counseling need professional knowledge and skills, talents can be recruitment through training and special engagement.

针对青少年性犯罪的原因,笔者提出了相关的矫治对策,主要是加强法制和性教育,开展心理矫治和社会帮教。Then some treatments of juvenile sexual offenders are proposed by the causes, including legal education, sexual education, psychological treatment, social help and education.

北门地区以禁毒工作为核心,以毒品预防为重点,以“一无三减少”为目标,认真抓好禁吸戒毒接茬帮教工作。Beimen Area takes drug prohibition as the core, drug prevention as the key point and one'nil'three'decreases'as the goal, and pays great attention to alternative help and instruction.

1990年6月,中国成立了关心下一代工作委员会,其任务之一就是指导对失足青年的帮教与保护。In June, 1990, the first Working Committee for the Care of the Next Generation was set up in China, with assistance, education and protection of juvenile deliquents as one of its tasks.

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社区矫正具有刑罚执行与社会工作的双重属性,通过对服刑人员进行处罚和帮教,达到一般预防和特殊预防的刑罚目的。Penalty execution and social work are the dual nature of community correction. General precaution and special precaution are achieved through punishing, helping and educating the offenders.

近几年,参与这一活动的妇女越来越多,全国以妇女为主的帮教小组就有几万个。In the last few years, more and more women have been participating in this type of activity. There are many thousands of "assistance and education teams" across the country, mainly composed of women.

社会和亲人要充分利用参赌者产生悔恨心理的有利时机,及时采取有效措施进行帮教和监督,促其改过自新。To take full advantage of social and family who have remorse psychological Candu favorable opportunity, take effective measures to help and education and supervision, and promote their rehabilitation.