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“半斤八两,有啥区别,”我爸爸说。“Well. Same difference, ” my father says.

而由此招致的反革命也半斤八两。But here comes the counter-revolution just the same.

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我也感到困惑。事实上,他们半斤八两。I'm confused too. In fact they are Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

虽然他的英语说得不好,但是你也半斤八两。Although he speaks English not very well, yours is not better.

吉米想教比尔怎么溜冰,他们俩其实是半斤八两。Jimmy is trying to show Bill how to skate. The blind are leading the blind.

美国所谓的革命不过如此。而由此招致的反革命也半斤八两。So much for a revolution. But here comes the counter-revolution just the same.

他彻底地明白,孔子与他比较,一个是心灵残缺,一个是身体残缺,半斤八两。He finally understood that Confucius and he were similar, one spiritually insane, the other physical disabled.

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通常我们用“半斤八两”的时候,我们认为两种选择之间差别很小。We normally use 'six of one, half a dozen of the other'when we think there is very little difference between two choices.

报告证明政府总是明里一套暗里一套,这多少会让他们稍显尴尬,但事实上大家都半斤八两。The reports will embarrass governments by showing they say one thing in public and another in private, but they are not alone in that.

但是他们同时也喜欢相互鄙视,尤其是邻国之间,彼此会画些漫画讽刺对方,局外人会觉得他们其实是半斤八两。Bordering countries, especially, have complex caricatures of each other, even when an outsider might think they're more or less the same.

许多老美鼓励年青人养成阅读好习惯,因为他们认为一个人不肯阅读和不会阅读的人,是半斤八两。Many Americans encourage young people to form good reading habits because they feel a person who does not read is no better off than the person who cannot read.

但是他们同时也喜欢相互鄙视,尤其是邻国之间,彼此会画些漫画讽刺对方,局外人会觉得他们其实是半斤八两。But they also like bitching about each other, as well. Bordering countries, especially, have complex caricatures of each other, even when an outsider might think they’re more or less the same.