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古有先贤,今有能为!The thou has first wise, have now can for!

即使尧舜这样的先贤也做不到。Even Yao and Shun could not have done as much.

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美国的建国先贤一心要保护这个新兴的民主制度。The Founders were protective of the fledgling democracy.

书中有所有先贤的全部灵魂。In books lies the soul of the whole past time. -Thomas Carlyle

我会将「你必须拯救先圣先贤」这句话牢记在心。I will live with the words, "You must save the saints" in my heart.

先贤冉子仲弓祠位于菏泽市东7公里处。Sage Ran Zizhong bow temple is located in Heze City, 7 kilometers east.

美国的建国先贤深知宗教自由的重要性。America’s founders acutely were aware of the importance of religious freedom.

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我们的成功将继承先贤,泽被后世。Our success will do credit to our forebears and bring benefit to our posterity.

这一关于行政权力的解释会让开国先贤们死不瞑目。It is an interpretation of executive power that would make the Founders whirl in their graves.

拉什和其他建国先贤认为,人是“可以改进的”,因此希望实施有益的教育。Believing that humankind was “improvable,” Rush and other founders wanted education to be useful.

记得我们国家先圣先贤的祷告,在我们有需要时请祢从不忘记我们。Remember the prayers of our nation's fathers and mothers, and do not forget us in our time of need.

墓室中空外圆,形如悬钟,先贤的坟墓就设在里面。Tomb hollow cylindrical, such as the hanging bell-shaped , the sages of the tomb is located inside.

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我的意思是,关于这个蝴蝶梦,那些先贤刻意留给我们这些书写的痕迹,他们确实的用意是什麽?I mean as regards what was exactly thought about it, by those who have left us written traces of it.

虽然这个世界的轴心正在向唯物趋向,不过还是要向先贤们致以敬意。Though the axis of the world is leaning towards materialism they deserve fullrespect and honor from us.

先圣先贤们知道不同的人,不同的环境,应该有不同的方法去应付。The ancient sages know that to each person or each environment, people should deal with in different way.

“和”是中国传统文化的特质,“和谐社会”是先贤圣哲上下求索的理想。Harmony is the characteristic of Chinese traditional culture. Wisdoms are in pursuit of a harmonious society.

旧约的众先知和先贤,都是凭借信人来经历人生的一切。It was faith which enabled Old Testament prophets and other men and women to go through all kinds of experiences.

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美国的城市化还给陪审团制度造成建国先贤们未曾预见的其他问题。Urban America poses other problems for the jury system that could not have been foreseen by the Founding Fathers.

这一切都反映了开国先贤一代人对个人自由与民主的紧密关系的理解。All of them reflect the Founding generation's understanding of the close ties between personal freedom and democracy.

清真先贤古墓是以赛义德·艾比·宛葛素为首的40多位阿拉伯著名伊斯兰教传教士的墓地。Muslim sages tomb is headed by Said Abby Wange of the more than 40 well-known Arab Islamic missionaries of the cemetery.