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胃灼热还是哮喘?Heartburn or asthma?

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我们只有哮喘。We have only asthma.

小孩子喘着粗气,像得了哮喘似的。Kids breathing asthma.

直到有一天,怪物得了哮喘。Until one day, he got asthma.

什么是咳嗽变异性哮喘?What is cough-variant asthma?

谁会患上咳嗽变异性哮喘?Who gets cough-variant asthma?

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有哮喘和肺病者。You have asthma or lung disease.

舒降之是否加重哮喘症状?。Does Zocor Worsen Asthma Symptoms?

她患有支气管哮喘。She suffers from bronchial asthma.

他的脚底板被殴打,还得了哮喘。The soles of his feet were beaten.

哮喘是慢性病,而且非常常见。Asthma is chronical and very common.

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如何治疗咳嗽变异性哮喘?How is cough-variant asthma treated?

如何诊断咳嗽变异性哮喘?How is cough-variant asthma diagnosed?

这是哮喘患者的新希望。There is new hope for asthma sufferers.

例如,鼻窦炎伴发哮喘是很常见的。For example, sinusitis with asthma is common.

仅2005年,就有25.5万人死于哮喘。In 2005 alone, 255 000 people died of asthma.

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糖尿病和哮喘随处都在增加。Diabetes and asthma are on the rise everywhere.

它是致命性和非致命性哮喘的共同特点。It is a feature of both fatal and nonfatal asthma.

在社会群体中,哮喘是最敏感的。Asthmatics are the most sensitive group in society.