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没人喜欢背后中伤者。Nobody likes a backstabber.

对于受到中伤我已司空见惯了。I'm used to being sniped at.

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托马斯已习惯于旁人的言语中伤。Mr Thomas is used to brickbats.

那些话是中伤之言。Words that are backbiting words.

我们谴责一切诽谤中伤的言论。We condemn all sorts of slanders.

多年来他们一直在中伤我们。They've been defaming us for years.

不要对我的诚实诽谤中伤…Don't cast aspersions on my honesty.

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她四处中伤她的丈夫。She traduces her husband everywhere.

真朋侪才会当面中伤定位。A true friend stabs you in the front.

我认为这些谣言是恶意中伤的。I think these rumours are mischievous.

恶意中伤他人是不对的。It is not easy to traduce his character.

正是大人物才受到嫉妒的中伤。It is the great who is assailed by envy.

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用假名声去中伤造化的真誉。Slandering creation with a false esteem.

她中伤性的话损害了他的名誉。Her slanderous words soiled his reputation.

傲慢无礼的妇人怎样用谎言中伤约瑟?How had the arrogant smeared Joseph with lies?

谣言这条毒蛇对我进行了恶意中伤。Slander , the viper , has wrongfully accused me.

我从来没说什么不好的东西中伤你——你在瞎想。I never said any such thing---yo¬u're delusional¬.

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他的声誉遭到恶意中伤的诋毁。His reputation was bespattered by malicious gossip.

候选人遭到对手恶意中伤。The candidate was viciously slurred by his opponent.

越来越强烈的恐慌带来公然争吵和背后中伤。Mounting panic led to open bickering and backstabbing.