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打开资料夹与习俗亚洲浆纸。Open folders with custom app.

三道茶是白族的一种饮茶习俗。It's a Bai ethnic tea tradition.

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这个习俗正在逐渐消失。This custom is slowly fading out.

国家手段不能改变社会习俗。State ways cannot change folkways.

但是萨满是兽人才有的习俗!But shamanism is an orcish practice!

习俗是无知者的向导。Custom is the guide of the ignorant.

这种习俗沿传至今。The custom has descended to our day.

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这个习俗一直流传到现在。The custom has been held on nowadays.

除非我们能批量生产社会习俗。Unless we mass produce social customs.

这一习俗已经中止了。The tradition has fallen into abeyance.

他愚蠢地沿习着旧习俗。He is foolishly attached to old customs.

而许多婚典有着共同的习俗。But many ceremonies share common customs.

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他觉得自己受到了习俗的束缚…He felt himself trammelled by convention.

这一习俗是从古埃及人那里传下来的。The custom comes tous from ancient Egypt.

见面握手的习俗慢慢消失了。The custom of hand-shaking withered away.

忽略13层已经成为一个传统习俗。It’s a tradition to ignore the 13th floor.

她探究这种习俗的起源。She delved into the origins of the custom.

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不良的习俗和法规应予以废除。Bad customs and laws ought to be abolished.

习俗束缚了他,使他无法可施。Custom hedged him in and made him helpless.

这是丹麦人和诺尔曼人的习俗。It's the way the danes and the normans did.