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眼圈的色素与鼻镜匹配。Eye rim pigment should match the nose.

“缠磨我”一词在希腊文的意思是“使我眼圈变黑”。The phrase wear me out says in Greek give me a black eye.

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红色被毛的狗允许是褐色的鼻镜、眼圈和嘴唇。Red hair of the dog is allowed to brown-nose , lips and Yanquan.

这个眼霜可以缓解你眼圈浮肿的问题。This eye cream can release the puffy problem your eyes be having.

关于孔雀如何获得“眼圈”的故事得重写了。The tale of how the peacock got his eyespots has taken a new turn.

棕色的毛,黑黑的眼圈像是戴了一副黑墨镜。Brown hair, black rim of the eye is like wearing a pair of black sunglasses.

她看见,向来爱说笑的他,说完这话,眼圈红了。She saw him who always like joking, after said these words, eyes turned red.

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我肿起的眼圈周围的皮肤油光噌亮而且已经失去了感觉。The skin stretched tight across the swelling around my eyes feels varnished.

树熊睁开两眼,眼圈红红的,恶狠狠地朝下看了看我。The koala opened both its red-rimmed eyes and looked down on me malevolently.

后来,所有的大臣们也都学着兔王的样子,将眼圈涂成了红色。A long time ago, the rabbit king like rim of the eye to their own painted red.

公爵府往任何方向都有宽阔的官道,霍雨浩一边向前奔跑着,眼圈却渐渐红了。The Duke house toward any direction have broad road, Huo Yuhao ran, eye became red.

乌眼圈的处理之讲,实正在没有是拿着遮瑕产物,对着眼周遏制非常松稀、下。Black eye solution, not with Concealer products, to the eye are very sophisticated, high.

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这男孩的头发有黄色、绿色、橙色和紫色,眼圈周围化着黑色的妆。The boy's hair was yellow and green and orange and purple. He had black makeup around his eyes.

电话里她清爽如银铃般的笑声回荡在整个脑海里令他眼圈犯红!Her glad sound arrived since the phfirst, or the laugh fulled his brain or his eyes nearly tore.

母亲说着,皲裂的双手仍在冰凉的水盆里搓洗着红薯,眼圈红红的,有些浮肿。The mother said, chapped hands still in cold water scrubbing with sweet potato, eye red, swollen.

有一单斑斓动冉惨综睛。但是事真上我们却又常常被眼角细纹,乌眼圈,眼袋以。Have a pair of beautiful eyes. But in fact we have often been eye fine lines, dark circles, eye to.

后来,所有的大臣们也都学着兔王的样子,将眼圈涂成了红色。Later, all the ministers also learn to look like rabbit King will be painted into a red eye socket.

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他的校长仍记得某场拳击赛后的早晨,他带着两个大黑眼圈来教室上课的场景。His principal remembered seeing him arrive for classes with a shiner or two the morning after a fight.

眼睛的颜色为深褐色,眼圈颜色为黑色,没有色素缺乏的现象,瞬膜隐约可见。Their color is a dark brown. The eye rims are black without lack of pigment and the haw is barely visible.

父亲坐在椅子上,双眼凹陷,眼圈发黑,蓬头垢面,胡子拉碴,脸色乏黄。His father sitting in a chair, his eyes sunken, eye socket black, unkempt, bearded, and his face lack yellow.