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可以修改部分主次干路吗?Can part of the sub trunk roads be modified?

排名不分主次,只是按照时间顺序列出。These are in chronological order instead of rank.

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其主次因素顺序为曲柄转速和风扇进风口风速。The rotation speed of crank and air flow speed are the main factors.

对于每个资源组,我们将添加主次两台服务器。For each resource group, we will add the primary and secondary servers.

必须能够多任务,主次分明,独立工作能力和合作依赖性。Must be able to multitask, prioritize, work independently and co-dependently.

下课后她应该总是很用功,且从不本末倒置,不分主次。After class she should always hit the book and never put the cart before the horse.

否则,会让人感到主次不分、杂乱无章。Otherwise, can let a person feel primary and secondary is not divided, desultorily.

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将考虑中的事情按主次列一个表,衡量它们的重要性并且有计划地对待。Keep a list of your priorities in view. Measure your to-dos and planned actions against

蟹爪纹,形容瓷器开片的主次、走向。Crab claw pattern, described as the primary and secondary porcelain pieces open towards.

我们应该制定有优先次序的学校活动,而非主次不分的细单。We should set the first priority for the school activities versus having a laundry list.

这种工作环境使人觉得很压抑,真是一个主次颠倒的典型事例。It' s a depressing environment to work in and a typical case of the tail wagging the dog.

不明确区分主次操作会很容易出事。Not clearly distinguishing between primary and secondary actions can easily lead to failure.

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为考虑之中的事情按主次列一个表,衡量它们的重要性并且有计划地对待。Keep a list of your priorities in view. Measure your to-dos and planned actions against them.

父啊,求祢赦免我们忽视了庄稼,又求祢赦免我们颠倒了事情的主次。Father, forgive us when we lose sight of the harvest. Forgive us for having misguided priorities.

通过三因素正交试验找出了影响行进阻力的主次因素和最大评价指标的参数组合。The major factor and best parameter combination were revealed by a triple factors orthogonal test.

其他人承认纽芬兰曾经有过一段金融管理失误和效率低下、主次不分的历史。Others admit that Newfoundland has a history of financial mismanagement and spectacular boondoggles.

在每天工作之前,首先要区别事情的主次顺序。Before you start your work every day, you should differentiate what is primary and what is secondary.

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它帮助你评估你所做事情的重要性,将它们按主次顺序排列好,并且还帮助你为自己减缓压力。It helps you assess the importance of things you do, prioritize them, and also helps to de-stress yourself.

本研究应用模糊主次评判方法配合语义启动技术进行实验。The study used the primary-secondary judgment of fuzzy mathematics combined with the Semantic Priming procedure.

用蟹爪技法来解释瓷器开片的主次、走向,最简单不过了。Techniques used to explain the porcelain crab claw to open the primary and secondary film towards the most simple.