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到底是谁审问谁呢?Who’s interrogating who?

她在审问下屈招了。She broke under questioning.

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审问小黑狗!Interrogation little black dog!

充分陈述的案件能省去一半的审问。A case well-stated is half-tried.

警察把他拘留起来进行审问。The police pulled him in for questioning.

梅森决定亲自审问彭蒂科夫。Mason decides to interrogate Penticoff himself.

当警察审问我时我该如何应对呢?How would I react when the police questioned me?

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审问一直持续到第二天早上。The interrogation lasted until the next morning.

保罗的第一次审问是在公会前。Paul's first trial was in front of the Sanhedrin.

杨红旗走后,米婶开始审问丽莎。Neither hong-qi Yang, m began to interrogate lisa.

英格兰诉讼本质上是调查审问式的。An English information was inquisitorial in nature.

因为没有人能审问杰克·鲍尔。No one interrogates Jack Bauer and gets away with it.

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据报道,他们正在平壤接受审问。They are reportedly under interrogation in Pyongyang.

在芝加哥,怀亚特正在审问捆绑着的班尼特。Back in Chicago, Wyatt interrogates a tied up Bennett.

三个侦缉队员把柳婵绑在一把椅子上审问。Three members of the detective Liu Chan tied to a chair.

她不知道我因盗窃罪受到过审问。Ellen didn’t know I had a trial for larceny in my future.

我感到疲倦和寒冷,我能意识到审问将走向何方。I was tired and cold, and I could see where this was headed.

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审问在继续,那个德国人继续慢悠悠地踱着步。The questioning went on, the man keeping up his slow pacing.

所有弹劾案,只有参议院有权审问。The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments.

警察花了很长时间对人犯进行了详细的审问。The police took a long time to interrogate the offenders fully.