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一般用柱子或开了门洞的墙将前廊与中堂分隔开。The narthex is usually separated from the nave by columns or a pierced wall.

中世纪的中堂一般分成许多架间,产生更长的效果。Medieval naves were generally divided into many bays, producing the effect of great length.

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中堂于1376年开始改建,间断地持续至都铎时代。The rebuilding of the nave was begun by 1376 and continued intermittently until Tudor times.

"在一个小康的经济环境里和对教育更大的热情下生育率会自然下降",梁中堂说。“The fertility rate will naturally go down with a better economy and a greater passion for education, ” Liang said.

在哥德式的教堂中,中堂往往是一个小的山墙,从中央的北部或南部突出。In Gothic cathedrals the porch was often a small gabled structure projecting from the northern or southern walls of the nave.

乔家大院原名“在中堂”,位于山西省祁县乔家堡,是清代晋商代表人物乔致庸的宅院。"Qiao's Grand Courtyard" was originally named "Central Courtyard". It is located at Qiao Family Castle in Qi County, Shanxi Province.

布局充分展现了其前身的辉煌——画廊集中在大中堂,阳光通过巨大的玻璃屋顶。The layout uses its previous incarnation to full effect – galleries cluster around the grand nave and light streams in through its sweeping glass roof.

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浙江浦江中堂五金有限公司创建于1988年,是规格品种最齐全的专业生产锁具的企业。Early established in 1988, Pujiang Zhongtang Hardware Co. , Ltd. is a backbone township lock manufacturer in Pujiang county of Jinhua city, Zhejiang province.

来自上社会海科学院的梁中堂就是其中最早的也是最具影响力的一位支持者。但是他现在也觉得这个政策是无效的,是错误的。Liang Zhongtang, of the Shanghai Academy of Social Science, was one of its earliest and most influential advocates, but he now thinks it is ineffectual and wrong.

中堂内以高强横拱支承加长的拱楔块,横拱下端作悬垂形,居间的肋板拱顶从此升起。Strong transverse arches were made to span the area, and these in turn supported the elongated keystones. Intermediate rib and panel vaults sprang from these pendants.

自由市场上来了一群呆头呆脑的外国人,给中堂镇的居民带来了相当大的娱乐价值和很多鲜活的笑料。The arrival in the free market of a lumbering group of gawking foreigners provided considerable entertainment value for the Zhongtangers, and lots of lively, animated banter.

公司图片东莞市中堂龙一针车经营部位于广东省东莞市中堂镇107国道旁边,交通方便。A Dongguan central scroll dragon sewing machine after battalion headquarters located at Guangdong Province Dongguan central scroll town 107 federal highways nearby, good communications.

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本文以南国雅苑项目营销项目为研究对象,系统地分析了中天力通公司在东莞市中堂镇所开发的第一个项目的营销策略。This paper take Nanguo Yayuan item marketing plan as an example, analysis medium day dint the company is in the Dongguan City hall the town development of the sale of an item plan process.