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仅仅宽容是不够的。Tolerance is not enough.

试一试表现得宽容些。Try and show some tolerance.

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就让我再宽容一点。let me praise a little more.

请有一颗宽容的心。Please have a forbearing heart.

他们更开放更宽容。They are more open and generous.

像海一般宽容吧!Behave tolerantly like the ocean!

他宽容罗马的偶像崇拜。He bore with the idolatry of Rome.

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宽容是真爱之流露。Endurance is an expression of love.

在你的任务清单上加上宽容这一项。On your to-do-list add forgiveness.

犯错误乃一种人性,而宽容则是一种神性。To arris human, to forgive is divine.

有主见是宽容和妥协。It is about toleration and compromise.

美国努力保持宽容与公正。America strives to be tolerant and just.

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阿切尔太太脸上露出宽容的微笑。Mrs. Archer produced an indulgent smile.

对恶者的宽容,即是对善者的伤害。Pardoning the bad, is injuring the good.

宽容要以退为进、积极地防御。Tolerance to retreat and active defense.

你对其他的宗教难道不能宽容一点吗?Can't you be tolerant of other religions?

伊斯兰教有着傲人的宽容传统。Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.

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老师问道,宽容地微笑着。" asked the teacher, smiling indulgently.

他对她行为的宽容使我惊愕。His toleration of her behaviour amazed me.

没有比宽容更高尚的品德。There is no virtue higher than non-injury.