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我在12月份时参加过一次。I did one in December.

这个月是几月份?Unit16 Whick month is this?

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士兵们最恨几月份?What month do soldiers hate?

有几多个月份有28日?How many months have 28 days?

这是我最喜欢的月份。These are my favorite months.

"月"指一个公历月份。Month" means a calendar month.

11月份经常出现霜冻。Frosts often occur in November.

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寒潮一直延续至4月份。The cold wave extended into April.

四月是北京最干燥的月份。April is the driest month in Beijing.

这应季的月份赋予那小草、Wherewith the seasonable month endows

他们是按出生月份排的。They have it organized by birth month.

你们的寒假在那个月份放?May your winter vacation in that place?

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仅仅在7月份,我们就拍摄了601部记录片。We filmed 601 recordings in July alone.

他8月份任职期满。His term of appointment expires in August.

而在7月份上旬,甚至出现零交易量的情况。And in early July, appear even zero volume.

未付的余额留到比较暖和的月份再付。The balance is held until the warmer months.

9月份你可以重考明天的考试。You can retake tomorrow’s exam in September.

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我想9月份的时候北京会更安静。I think Beijing will be quieter in September.

不同产地和月份的芒果叶中芒果苷的含量存在差异。The contents of Mangiferin in the leafs of F.

但是现在,美国汽车工业正在风雨飘摇的危机之中,通用和克莱斯勒需要联邦政府在12月份提供130亿美元的财政援助以防止破产。But not now. American automakers are in crisis.