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我们得去请张丽顶替了。We'll have to ask Zhang Li instead.

她被她的下级职员顶替。She was displaced by her junior clerk.

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更带来瘟疫,将灵车顶替了婚床。And blights with plague the Marriage hearse.

他走了谁来顶替他?Who's going to take his place after he leaves?

他领了一笔养老金后就退休了,他的职位由一位年轻人来顶替。He was pensioned off and his job was given to a younger man.

那就为新婚燕尔的奥多姆顶替他首发铺平了道路。That would pave the way for newlywed Odom to start in his place.

一个斟酒服务员要离职了,老板给了他顶替上去的机会。A sommelier was leaving and he was offered the chance to step in.

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至于安布罗西尼和帕托的位置,将由博阿滕及罗比尼奥顶替。Instead of Ambrosini and Pato, there will be Boateng and Robinho.

这些可以顶替常规的鼠标或键盘。Typically, these can masquerade as a conventional mouse or keyboard.

现在曼乔只能另外找球员暂时顶替大卫的位置了,他承认现在被迫开始检验自己的板凳深度了。Now he admits he is being forced into testing the depth of his squad.

再见,祝你愉快,多的是人顶替你。Off you go, have a nice life, there's plenty of people to replace you.

费朗西斯病了,我们得找个什么人今晚顶替他。We'll have to find someone to fill in for Francis tonight as he's ill.

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不过眼下,哈里森佩里贾里德们顶替得相当不错。But for now, Harrison and Perry and Jared offer a pretty good substitute.

“我在职业生涯里曾经多次顶替队友出场,”斯托拉里继续说到。"I have replaced many colleagues so far in my career, " continued Storari.

二狗顶替郭割掳,同样就要担下砍死乔八指的血债。Two dogs for Guo cut prisoners, also to take eight finger blood hacked joe.

加入文斯卡特明天上场了,他将重回先发的位置而顶替之前取代他的JJ雷迪克。Assuming Carter plays, he will take JJ Redick's spot in the starting lineup.

同样让我开心的是,他们说在那里终有一天我将顶替帕维尔。内德维德的位置。It's been great also to hear that I would replace Pavel Nedved one day there.

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来自UCLA的杰出球员阿隆-阿弗拉罗已经顶替了汉密尔顿的先发位置。Arron Afflalo, a former UCLA standout, has been starting in place of Hamilton.

我不清楚顶替我堂姐的名字上学的这两个女孩是怎样入学的。I never did find out how those girls managed in school under my cousins' names.

微型砂轮机可装摸具铣刀修复摸具型面,以布轮顶替砂轮,可开展抛光等。It can polish through the emery cloth wheel instead of the grinding wheel also.