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简,我刚收到你们的请柬。I just broke up with Jane.

我们有三张请柬。We have three invitations.

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简,我刚收到你们的请柬。Jane, I just got your invitation.

我收到-份请柬,但没有接管。I received an invitation, but I did not ept.

她们去年把一封Facebook的请柬分发给120个人,有50人表态说会来的---真的来了。They sent out a Facebook invite to 120 people.

今天早晨我写了近五十封请柬。I wrote close to fifty invitations this morning.

不知道我们的请柬是否已经到达他那里。We don't know if our invitation has arrived him.

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我收到-份请柬,但没有接管。I received an invitation, but Idid not accept it.

观看特别演出的请柬上注有“请戴黑领结”字样。The invitation to the gala performance is marked 'black tie.

不知道我们的请柬是否已经到达他那里。I don't know whether our invitation card has already reached him.

蓓基寄出请柬之后开始放心大胆地着于做准备了。Becky sent out the invitations and started preparations confidently.

主办单位将会以空邮寄出请柬予海外参展商。For oversea exhibitors, we will send the Invitation Card by airmail.

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有呐位同事的太太能比我有更好的衣衫,你就毖请柬送给他巴。Give your card to some colleague whose wife is better equipped than I.

她未请示上级擅自把所有这些请柬都发了出去。She issued all these invitations without any reference to her superiors.

爸爸看着请柬,没有拿起它,“我该现在打开看吗?”他问。My father stared at it without touching it. "Should I open it now?" he asked.

她写得一手好书法,她的婚礼请柬都是自己写的。She was so good at calligraphy she hand-lettered her own wedding invitations.

进入美术馆参观需持门票、请柬或有效证件。Must show your ticket, invitation letter or valid certificate before entering.

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一些人会在婚礼请柬上注明“乐于接受现金”。Some people will write "monetary gifts preferred" on their wedding invitations.

大地初绽的芳花是送给未来之歌的请柬。?。The first flower that blossomed on this earth was an invitation to the unborn song.

为贵宾接待、宴会等协调宾客名单及请柬。Coordinates guest lists and invitations for VIP receptions, luncheons, dinners, etc.