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为什么你一点儿也不气喘?Why aren't you out-of-breath?

在我年轻的岁月,它可是会让我气喘如牛的。At my youthful age, it caused me to pant.

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如此教唆残杀,直到气喘咻咻。And thus for wider carnage taught to pant.

经过了一英里的赛跑之后他们气喘如牛。They were out of breath after a mile race.

我每天醒来都感到有种内疚感,有时由于气喘而在睡衣上留下潮湿和污渍的痕迹。sometimes with my pajama pants damp or stained.

气喘,鼻塞或呼吸困难wheezing, nasal congestion or trouble breathing

亦曾在安徽合肥的闷热天气中气喘如牛。And I’ve stifled in the muggy air of Hefei in Anhui.

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母亲气喘,而胸透表明母亲患有肺炎。She was wheezing, and a chest X-ray showed pneumonia.

他气喘如牛,兴奋地告诉我们他刚刚听到的事。He panted excitedly giving us the news he had just heard it.

痛苦使呼吸是困难,而且他气喘,下垂的步骤。The pain made it hard to breathe, and he wheezed , steps flagging.

这有可能是因为此类细菌不存在于气喘患者体内。It may be that asthmatics do not host the bacteria for other reasons.

可王龙站在门边,听着那急促的牲口一样的气喘声。But Wang Lung stood listening at the door to those heavy animal pants.

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那将会是一个步态竞赛,像他死亡,当乔气喘的时候,肯恩沉思。That would be a cakewalk, Ken mused while Joe wheezed like he was dying.

我有痛风、气喘、以及其它七种疾病,惟其余则极之健康。I have gout, asthma, and seven other maladies, but am otherwise very well.

我有痛风、气喘、以及其它七种疾病,惟其余则极之健康。I have gout, asthma, and seven other maladies , but am otherwise very well.

哮证是一种发作性的痰鸣气喘疾患。Asthma is a kind of disease characterised by paroxysmal stridor with sputum.

慢性支气管炎、气喘、肝脓疡、肺栓塞、肋膜炎。Chronic bronchitis, asthma, hepatic abscess, pulmonary embolism or pleurisy.

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由于他有气喘,所以爬了一段梯之后,他便觉得呼吸困难。His asthma made it difficult for him to breathe after climbing a flight of stairs.

我们仅走了半英里,他便气喘得象匹呼吸急促的马。We'd only gone about half a mile before he was panting like a broken-winded horse.

症状表现为过敏性休克、紫癜、荨麻疹、血管神经性水肿、气喘等。The reactions were manifested by allergic shock, purpura, urticaria and angioedema.