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我送丈夫出门。I see my husband off.

没有身分证千万别出门…Don't go out without ID.

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而是先出门,跑步去。Instead, go out and run.

穿衣,洗漱,出门。Clothe, wash the , and go out.

在家是兽王,出门是耗子。B lion at home, a mouse abroad.

近来我们不大出门。We don't go out much these days.

出门靠朋友,开车靠搜虎。Go-off on friend, drive on SOOHO.

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趁他睡着,我又出门去转。And while he slept I sailed again.

我不能出门,因为没有外面的衣服。I can't go out for lack of a coat.

出门前把你的皮鞋擦亮。Shine your shoes before going out.

不戴手套别出门。Dont't go out but a pair of gloves.

出门的时候多穿点衣服。Put on lot clothes ago you go away.

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出门感觉阴森森的,有点冷!It felt eeriness outside, a bit cold!

出门时她打扮好自己。She perked herself up when going out.

我们要出门迎接阳光、沙滩和贝壳。You're off for sun, sand, and shells.

出门旅游我比较喜欢跟旅行团。When traveling, I prefer package tour.

正当我们出门时,雪开始下起来。As we were going out, it began to snow.

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好的地图是出门旅行辩刍可少的。Good maps are a necessity to travelers.

晚上你准备出门。You're getting ready to go out at night.

他想现在就出门。He wants to walk out the door right away.