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你的这点儿小钱王员外根本看不上眼。Your money is far too little for the landlord.

在下人们的眼中,张员外是个和善的人。In the eyes of the servants, Councillor Zhang is an amiable person.

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随后王世充来到了水员外的家中,当场将水员外杀死。Then WangShiChong came to the house of water agents, the spot will kill water agents.

派外人员外向性对派外调适程度有显著正向影响。The effect of expatriate's extraversion on expatriate adjustment is significantly positive.

听程员外这么一说,游伯龙当即就容许下来情愿帮助。The old WuPing Listen to process wso say, swim "dragon was immediately allow down to help."

我的家乡是祝英台故乡,那里有美丽的玉水河和漂亮的员外山庄。Lovers of my home is home, where the beautiful river and the beautiful jade members outside the Villa.

在其他环境中,除了开发者与系统管理员外还涉及到业务人员。In other environments, there are business people involved as well as developers and system administrators.

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可祝员外早已把女儿许配给了有钱人家的少爷马公子。But the landlord had already accepted the proposal of the young master surnamed Ma, a son of a rich family.

王世充见水员外带来了这么多手下,只得强忍心中怒气提着鸟笼往王明德家中赶去。WangShiChong see water agents brought so many hands, had to swallow anger heart carrying cage WangMingDe home to go.

水员外依然不肯罢休,又找来一个太监小官趁王楚楚洗衣服的时候打算把对方抢走。Water agents still refused to give up, and find a eunuch little officer while WangChuChu wash clothes going to take each other.

在十五日的那天,同样阴云密布,天惊雷鸣,瓢泼大雨直到天黑,员外家中,家丁们早已掌明了灯烛。On the 15th day in the same dark clouds, thunder scared days, heavy rain until nightfall, member of Out, Zhang Ding had been aware of Deng Zhu.

这样子,你最低限度也可以七生都像美国煤油大王那么有钱,七世都做员外,做有钱的人。If you can do that, then at the very least for seven lives to come you will be as wealthy as America's richest oil magnates. And you say, "That's great!"

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而DHL的波音七五七型货机则是由巴林经义大利北部的贝加莫前往布鲁塞尔,机上除了两名机员外只有货物。On the other hand, the DHL's Boeing 757 cargo plane took off in Bahrein for Brussels by way of Bergamo in northern Italy, carrying only cargoes besides the two crew members.

船员人身伤亡损害赔偿权利主体包括受害船员及其近亲属、被扶养人,而船员外派单位不能成为船员人身损害赔偿的权利主体。The subjects of the right for the seafarer's personal injury compensation include the injured seafarer and his close relatives and dependents. Assignment agency can not be the subject of the right.