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他的托辞只是缓兵之计。His excuse is for delay.

这不过是你的缓兵之计吧?You are slow-walking me, aren't you?

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他的托词只是缓兵之计。What he said is just to delay the time.

设置贸易壁垒不过是缓兵之计,根本不能真正解决问题。Trade barriers itself is only delaying tactic rather than a real solution.

但是,这”巨大“的需求只能是中国决策者们的一个缓兵之计。But that massive demand offers only a temporary respite for Chinese policymakers.

许多专家认为聘请外籍教师的办法只是一个缓兵之计。Most observers agree that temporary foreign teachers are not a permanent solution.

但是,环境组织担心此“救援计划”只是富国为了从减少碳排放的话题中脱身的缓兵之计。But environmental groups are concerned the “rescue package” is a delaying tactic by the rich nations to wriggle out of cutting carbon.

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虽然并非完全相关,但这种缓兵之计表明一定宽度的频谱并不意味着等量的数字带宽。While not entirely relevant, this diversion indicates that a fixed amount of spectrum doesn't mean a constant amount of digital bandwidth.

普京先前所做的要与西方融合的承诺,开始显得跟他宣称拥抱民主的承诺一样,只是一个缓兵之计,而并非真正的长远目标。Mr Putin’s early commitment to integration with the West, it began to seem, like his commitment to democracy, had been a mere tactic, not an objective.

造成这一现象的重要原因之一,是日本企业倾向招聘应届毕业生,使"留级"成为失业毕业生的"缓兵之计"。An important factor behind this is the tendency of corporations to prefer hiring fresh graduates. This encourages students to stay on at school if they fail to find work.

虽然内塔尼亚胡暂时支持和谈以作为缓兵之计,但他所领导的利库德集团却希望将巴勒斯坦土地收归以色列国所有。Despite Netanyahu's momentary, tactical enthusiasm for peace talks, his Likud Party has always favored the de facto incorporation of Palestinian lands into the state of Israel.