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协助病人取坐位或侧卧位。Assist client to sitting or side-lying position.

午睡姿势宜平躺仰卧或侧卧为佳。Nap position to be lying in the supine or lateral.

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女性则正好相反,头朝东向左侧卧。women on their left side with the head facing east.

侧卧,让头、肩、髋在一条直线上。Side lies, let head, shoulder, coxa go up point-blank in.

要按你侧卧的三百九十日吃这饼。You are to eat it during the 390 days you lie on your side.

侧卧在椅子上,打开窗子,微风拂面,那丝丝凉意,倍感清爽!Lie on the chair, open the window, the cool breeze stroke, fine, clean!

转身侧卧,她再一次瞥见他留下的东西。Rolling to her side, she glimpsed one more time at what was left of his.

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佛教,道教,卧姿,姿势,右侧卧,怀孕。Buddhism, Taoism, recumbency , position, right lateral decubitus, pregnancy.

如果你侧卧而睡,则你性格平和。If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced personality.

正确的睡觉姿势应该是向右侧卧,双腿微曲。Correct sleeping position should be to the right side, the legs slightly bent.

逐渐发展成侧卧,角弓反张,角膜浑浊而后12小时内死亡。Progresses to lateral recumbency, opisthotonus, corneal opacity and death in 12 hours.

喂奶姿势宜采取坐式或半坐式,侧卧有利于排空乳汁。Feeding position to be taken sitting or half-sitting, the side in favor of emptying the milk.

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该动物被放置在一个侧卧和2针腔放置在腹部。The animal is placed in a lateral recumbency and 2 needles are placed in the abdominal cavity.

如果你选择侧卧睡姿,在两膝之间放个枕头,这样能让你的髋关节放松。If you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your knees, this will help support your hips.

当我转身侧卧时,注意到电梯的地毯上有零星的指甲、皮肤碎屑和头发。As I turned on my side I noticed pieces of fingernail, bits of skin and hair on the lift carpet.

护理过程中采取平卧、小侧卧交替的方式即可达到减压目的。The pressure of pressed position were descended by alternative prostration and lateral position.

要采取侧卧位,适当的在头、脚下或腰间加垫一些软垫子。Must adopt the side decubitus , suitable, the under foot or the waist adds pad some soft cushion.

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侧卧着让你的伴侣面对着你,抬高一只腿脚,留给伴侣一些空间。Lay on your side with your partner facing you, try pulling one leg up to allow room for your partner.

从大量的临床实践看,采取头低臀高侧卧位对病人进行清洁灌肠效果好。From a lot of clinical practice, low-hip high-lateral position is more appropriate for cleaning enema.

如果患者呕吐,应让他侧卧防止堵塞呼吸道。If the patient vomits, let him or her lie on the side to prevent the respiratory tracks from being blocked.