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决不因为事情艰难或者麻烦而撒手不干。and never give up a thing because it was or inconvenient.

彼得对自己的工作厌烦了,决定撒手不干。Peter was fed up with his job and decided to call it quits.

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我们原来有一个很不错的计划,可是乔治在最后一分钟撒手不干了。We had a great plan,but George copped out at the last minute.

我们原来有一个很不错的计划,可是乔治在最后一分钟撒手不干了。We had a great plan, but George copped out at the last minute.

我想你可以了解,总有一天我会撒手不干的。I should think you could see that I may have to retire some day.

三是怕某些心愿尚未了却便就此撒手西去,空余遗恨。Three is afraid of in some way yet but would have died, free grudge.

如果你觉得新的习惯并不适合你,撒手不干也没什么大不了的。There’s no shame in stopping if you know the new habit doesn’t suit you.

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可去年,那个女孩子揪住施舍怜悯的小伙子不撒手的行为触痛了我的记忆。Last year, the girl caught charity mercy man not only acts hurt my memory.

你是一个时尚的,帮助家里做家务的父亲呢,还是传统的大撒手?Q. Are you a modern father, helping out at home or a hands-off traditionalist?

他这人喜怒无常,并且我如果不全力迎合他的话,他就会随时撒手不干。He is temperamental and he could quit anytime if I’m not fully supportive of him.

撒手而去的时候,才真正地清楚,人的一生只是一场空而已,却悔之晚矣。Wash away the time really to clear a person's life is only futile, but it is too late.

第三位老婆代表财产、地位与金钱。一旦我们撒手西去,它终究会转向他人。Our 3rd wife is our possessions, status and wealth . When we die, they all go to others.

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第三位老婆代表财产、地位与金钱。一旦我们撒手西去,它终究会转向他人。Our third wife is our possessions, status and wealth. When we die, they all go to others.

镇浩最担心的事情就是,如果有一天母亲撒手而去,他一个人如何在这个世界立足。The one thing Jin-ho is most scared about is his mother dying and being left alone in this world.

在微软撒手之后,他们面红耳赤,想不出什么理由来抚慰股东。After Microsoft lets go, their be flushed, do not want to give what reason to come placatory partner.

拉尔夫·克鲁发烧生了病,当他听到这个消息后病情更加严重了,一周后就撒手西去了。Ralph Crewe was ill with a fever, and when he heard about this, he got worse. A week later he was dead.

如同圣殿被毁一样,人人都有撒手尘寰的一天,我们住过的地方亦终有一天会消失。An end comes to our human existence and the places we dwell in, just as an end came to the Temple when it was destroyed.

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假如我又回到了童年,我做事要更有毅力,决不因为事情艰难或者麻烦而撒手不干,我们要光明,就得征服黑暗。If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was or inconvenient.

假如我又回到了童年,我做事要更有毅力,绝不因为事情艰难或麻烦而撒手不干。If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient.

当巴特寮于1975年夺取政权后,王宝引领追随于他的苗民们流亡于美国,1月6日他在此地撒手人间,享年81岁。When the Pathet Lao seized power in 1975, Vang Pao led his people into exile in America, where he died on January 6th, aged 81.