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烈火试真金,困难炼壮士。Fire is the test of gold.

带给我烈火的战骑。Bring me my chariot of fire!

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釜下烈火永不熄。Fire burn, and caldron bubble.

它是对烈火对真金的考验。It's the true test of its stuff.

我知道你曾受烈火的锻炼。Of the fire you have had to bear.

我宁愿做烈火余灰也不愿做粉尘飞扬!I would rather be ashes than dust!

在烈火的燃烧时保持信念。And in the hottest fire hold still.

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我是烈火中的利剑,干柴旁的守卫。I am the watcher near the dry wood.

祂坐在燃烧着七倍烈火的炉旁He sat by at fire of seven-fold heat

革命的烈火在燃烧。The flames of revolution are raging.

烈火试真金,不幸试勇士。Fire tess gold , adversity brave men.

时间验朋友,烈火验真金。Time tries friends as fire tries gold.

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烈火显真金,逆境识英雄。Fire proves gold, adversity proves men.

烈火炼真金。Pure gold is tempered in a blazing fire.

一只迟栖的飞蛾,拼命扑向烈火。A late moth blustered in to find the fire.

像恒古之前,霜寒冰冻,烈火围绕的景象?Like frost-bound fire-girt scenes of long ago?

三度被六月的炎炎烈火烧光。Three April perfumes in three hot Junes burned.

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Seneca烈火炼真金,逆境识真人。Fire proves gold, adversity proves men. -- L. A.

烈火炼真金,逆境见美德。As fire tries gold, so does adversity try virtue.

正如烈火试炼真金,逆境试炼人的美德。as fire tries gold, so does adversity try virtue.