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他们无缘无故地争吵。They quarreled for nothing.

“无缘无故”只能说是半真半假。The half-truth is “unprovoked”.

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他无缘无故地斥责了我一顿。He put me down for nothing at all.

他无缘无故地乱发脾气。He was steaming badly over nothing.

他常常无缘无故地使性子。He often loses his temper for nothing.

无缘无故的是她也没给我回电话。No reason why she didn't call me back.

他无缘无故地把钱花光了。He made away with his money for nothing.

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这会导致测试无缘无故地失败。This can cause tests to fail gratuitously.

很多人都无缘无故被抓了。Many people have been seized for no reason at all.

无缘无故将一名员工降级是违法的。It is illegal to demote an employee without reason.

她有时无缘无故就生气。She sometimes angers with little or no provocation.

煤气公司无缘无故中断了我们的煤气供应。The gas company cut off our gas supply for no reason.

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影歌紫豹现在不会中途无缘无故消失了。Shadowsong Panther will no longer prematurely despawn.

必竟,他们不会无缘无故地说你是吹牛大王吧!After all, they don't call you old windbag for nothing!

继母无缘无故地打了那男孩一顿。The step-mother gave the boy the stick without any reason.

这些都被认为是纯粹的、无缘无故的偶然事件。These are supposed to be the sheerest, blindest accidents.

不过,有时候有些东西会无缘无故地找上门来。But l do have moments when things come to me for no reason.

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他曾试图想象他们无缘无故,但不能。He had been trying to fancy them causeless , but could not.

我的辞职报告无缘无故被搁置了。My report of resignation was fall into abeyance without sake.

青春带来无缘无故的微笑,这是它最主要的魅力之一。Youth smiles for no reason. It is one of its chiefest charms.