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我的小心翼翼,希望你的回心转意。I hope you change mind carefully.

我认为他最终会回心转意的。I think he'll come round eventually.

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当你回心转意的时候,给我们打个电话。If you find your heart, give us a call.

希望女友回心转意。I hope his girlfriend to chane their mind.

她会回心转意的--这是她最大的优点。Eg. The maximum swivel of the table is l20.

我们真希望她回心转意。We had hoped that she would change her mind.

她一直希望他能回心转意。She kept hoping he would change his feelings.

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我敢说你不出一小时就会回心转意。I dare say you'll think better of it in an hour.

她不听我的话,我们看看苏可不可以让她回心转意。She won't listen to me. Let's see if Sue can bring her round.

或许他回心转意的事实本身就已经把一切都说明了。Or maybe the fact that he had returned would speak for itself.

在我们的工作下,桑普森目前已经回心转意。Under ours work, Sampson already changed an attitude at present.

他要劝导许多以色列人回心转意,归顺他们的上帝。He will bring many of Israel's people back to the Lord their God.

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所以,求你息怒,回心转意,不要降祸给你的子民吧。Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people.

但是我还是会依然永远爱他,直到等到他回心转意!But I will always love him forever, and wait for him to change his mind.

她一直讲了一千零一夜,终于使国王回心转意。She always spoke 1001 nights, finally made the king back from the brink.

塞雷尼曰前回心转意,并表示即将与拉齐奥签下一份新的合约。Matteo Sereni is performing a U-turn and is set to sign a new deal with Lazio.

我转过脸去,因为我担心我会在最后一刻回心转意。I turned my face because I was afraid I would change my mind at the last minute.

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大部分白人占多数的乡村地区又回心转意了,尽管在某几个县里的优势非常小。Most of the white rural counties came back, though the margins in several were close.

一名康普诺将军的死令许多同盟成员相信登加确实回心转意了。The death of a COMPNOR general convinced many in the Alliance of Dengar's change of heart.

或许他们这几年来一直在期盼着你的“临幸”,等待着你回心转意的那一天。They might have been pining for you all of these years, waiting for the day you reconnect.