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此泥岩提供了有效的封闭。The mudstone provide on effective seal.

此泥岩提供了有效的封闭。The mudstones provide an effective seal.

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盖层为湖相泥岩和含膏泥岩。The cap rocks are lacustrine mudstone and gypsiferous.

真的印象深刻的是泥岩苗条演绎!Really impressed by the slim interpretation of Mudrock!

最粗粒砂岩与灰色泥岩成互层。The coarsest sandstones intercalated with grey mudstones.

声波测井用于区分泥岩和白云岩。The sonic log is used to differentiate shale from dolomite.

矿床赋存于中泥盆统泥岩中。The deposit occurs in Middle Devonian mudstone in form of veins.

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浊积岩沉积在正常的湖相暗色泥岩之中。Turbidites were deposited in the dark shale of normal lake facies.

盖层为低能环境下形成的泥岩和盐岩。Cap rocks are mud-rock and salt-rock in the low-energy environment.

其中,泥岩的生热率最高,而粉沙岩、砂岩的生热率次之。Mudstone has highest heat generation comparing with siltstone and sandstone.

下三叠统罗楼组由泥岩和灰岩组成。The Lower Triassic mudstone and limestone are known as the Luolou Formation.

莱阳组由砾岩、砂岩、泥岩、页岩等岩石组成。The Laiyang Formation is composed of conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone and shale.

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焙烧高岭土、火烧角砾岩、火烧岩、烧变泥岩四种矿石自然类型。Its natural types are roasted kaolin, burnt breccia, burnt rock and burnt mudstone.

东部湖泊相发育有泥岩,湖泊相中发育有重力流沈积体。There are abound sandstone bodies caused by sediments gravity flow developed in it.

探讨泥岩地区盆栽植物之微气候影响因素,并以蒸发散量模式量化这些因子。The influence factor of microclimate for potted plant at mudstone area is discussed.

含泥岩层中的泥质成分可以使裂隙水在衰减过程中表现出孔隙水的特征。Pelitic rock can make the fissure water act as the pore water in the release process.

泥岩和白云岩导致中子孔隙度的读数偏高,密度孔隙度的读数偏低。Shale and dolomite will cause the neutron porosity high and the density porosity low.

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将该模型与泥岩及红砂岩的试验曲线进行对比,两者吻合较好。The results of the model and tests for mudstone and red sandstone are perfectly fitted.

前三角洲及湖盆泥岩相中则以伊利石和绿泥石两种粘土矿物为主。The two main clay minerals in prodelta and lacustrine mudstone are illite and chlorite.

石炭系气藏的直接盖层是下二叠统梁山组泥岩层。The Liangshang Formation mudstone is the direct cap rock of the Carboniferous gas pools.