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流年容易把人遗忘。红了樱桃。绿了芭蕉。Time to forget. Red cherry. Green banana.

鲜或干的香蕉,包括芭蕉。Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried.

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你化成滴水,是否想点点的打在芭蕉上?You into the water, like little hit the banana?

红了樱桃绿了芭蕉,时光总把旧人抛。Red cherry, green banana, the old man cast time.

那一年,流光容易把人抛,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉。That year, the easy man thrown, red cherry, green banana.

芭蕉是刻板类型都必须煮熟后才进食。Plantains are starchy types that are cooked before eating.

芭蕉的继母家多年来拒绝和他共住老屋。For years, Issa's stepfamily refused to share the old farmhouse.

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秋味——蟋蟀独知秋令早,芭蕉下得雨声多。Autumn taste -- cricket know only fall early, banana under rain much.

目的对芭蕉根有效成分进行初步研究。ObjectiveTo study effective constituents of Musa basjoo Sieb. et Zucc.

在芭蕉身上,中国文化的影响是显而易见而不可忽视的,前人也多有论及。The influence of Chinese culture on Basho is clear and cannot be overlooked.

它使一个可爱的图片,竹房屋抵销的绿色芭蕉树。It makes a lovely picture, the bamboo houses set off by green plantain trees.

阿杜环礁是几乎完全覆盖着芭蕉树和盛开的灌木丛。Addu atoll is almost completely covered with banana trees and bushes in bloom.

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杜甫的诗歌对日本著名俳句诗人松尾芭蕉的创作产生过重要影响。The poems by Dufu exerted a significant impact on the Basyous poetic creation.

一天晚上,在学生们为他举行的聚会上,芭蕉创作了一百首俳句!One night, during a party his students gave him, Issa composed a hundred haiku!

度假者通常喜欢悠闲的呆在芭蕉树或者木黄麻树下乘凉。Holidaymakers often enjoy lazing in the shade of the palm trees and the casuarinas.

它有可能是小鸟路过这里的时候把芭蕉种子留在上面了。They might have come from the plantain seeds dropped on the trees by passing birds.

但是我能够轻易地察觉到它偶尔会带着渴望的表情瞥一眼芭蕉。But I could easily detect an occasional wishful glance toward the bunch of plantains.

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芭蕉常常睡在寺庙,寺里的和尚给他提供食宿。Often he slept in Buddhist temples where monks gave him food and shelter for the night.

当人们离开小屋,它就会悄悄地进来,偷走芭蕉或是鱼肉。When the people left their huts he would steal in and make off with their plantains or fish.

在掸拭灰尘和打扫老师的教室之余,芭蕉把所有学来的知识都做好笔记。Between dusting and sweeping the master's classrooms, Issa kept notes of all that he learned.