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小标题一律居中。Please centre the subheads.

三是以水居中,环水建园。Third, the park is built around water.

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该对象用于使地图居中。This object is used to center the map.

所有页面宽度样式都将内容居中。All the page width styles center content.

大的不怕与小的同游。居中的却远而避之。The Great walks with the Small without fear.

中场居中的位置由埃默森与迪亚拉占据着。The midfield was taken by Emerson and Diarra.

我相信在居中圣玛利亚。I do believe in the intercession of Holy Mary.

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两居中朝南主卧出租。Two bedrooms master bedroom rental in the south.

其他条目将在视窗中居中显示该链接。The other items will center the link in the viewport.

战归十年苍天泪,何言愧对居中人?Ten years war to heaven tears unworthy, He Yan center?

在他的新居中,我看到一架缝纫机和一台收音机。In his new home I noticed a sewing-machine and a radio.

父母争吵,我居中进行了调停。I intervened in the quarrel between my father and mother.

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我们在全球资本流动方面也居中心。Our place in the flows of global capital is equally central.

我将使这部分看上去很大并用粗体,还把它居中以示强调。I'll make that look big and bold, and center it for emphasis.

黑死病是世界最大的三波瘟疫中发生时间居中的一次瘟疫。The Black Death was the middle of three great waves of plague.

此按钮用于设置是否使用设备的自动居中的功能。This switch controls whether to use auto centring feature or not.

在驾驶杆居中的情况下我感受到了非常小的操作量。I experienced a very small amount of play with the stick in neutral.

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用于定位套管使其在井眼内居中的一种机械装置。A mechanical device to position casing concentrically in the wellbore.

什么东西都要左对齐、右对齐,或是居中对齐,除非他们晚点了。Everything is left justified, right or center unless they arrive late.

大的不怕与小的同游,居中的却远而避之。The Great walks with the Small without fear. The Middling keeps aloof.