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我还是将钱通过信汇寄过去吧。I could remit it by mail transfer.

我们通过寄航空信件来办理信汇。We send the mail transfer by airmail.

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这种方法比信汇快,卖方可以提早收到货款。The seller can receive the money at an early date.

当然信汇比电汇要便宜多了。Of course, it is cheaper than telegraphic transfer.

您想要航空信汇还是电汇,先生?Do you want to remit the money by air mail or by cable, sir?

同样信汇也是由代理行去通知收款。It is still the correspondent bank that advises the beneficiary.

我来跟您解释,其余两种是信汇和票汇。I will explain for you. The other two are mail transfer and demand draft.

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不同的信用工具有不同的汇率,即电汇汇率、信汇汇率和票汇汇率。The price of one currency in terms of another is called rate of exchange or exchange rate.

这种方法比信汇快,卖方可以提早收到货款。This method is quicker than mail transfer. The seller can receive the money at an early date.

信汇EFT之外的一种汇款方法,由于效率低,现在很少用。Mail TransferA transfer of money by a method other than EFT, seldom used now because of inefficiencies.

汇进和汇出通常是通过信汇来完成的,即期汇票或电汇。Inward and outward remittances are usually carried out by a mail transfer, demand draft , or telegraphic transfer.

这种方法比信汇快,卖方可以提早收到货款,但买方却因此而要负担较高的费用。This method is quicker than mail transfer. The seller can receive the money at an early date. But the buyer has to bear more expenses.

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鉴于你方产品在本地客户中已广为接受并颇受青睐,我们决定接受你原定报价并随信汇去定货单据。In view of the fact that your products are widely accepted here and quite popular with our local customers, we have decided to accept your original offer and send you an order sheet enclosed herein.