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那个发现引起了轰动。The discovery was sensational.

不要屈从于轰动效应。Don't give in to sensationalism.

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我想要的是轰动的因素。I am looking for the Wow factor.

那只是这场轰动的一部分呐!That wer all a part of the larry!

伊达马上引起媒体的轰动。Ida was an immediate media sensation.

在那小城里又有过一番新的轰动。A fresh excitement in the little town.

我们的新影片一定会大为轰动。Our new film will be a real blockbuster.

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一部新的具轰动效应的话剧将于下星期上演。A new hit drama will be stagged next week.

这本新书引起了巨大轰动。The new book has created a great sensation.

这一案例十分轰动,也是十足的惨剧。The case is sensational and horribly tragic.

丑闻轰动的中国足协任命新的掌门人。New soccer leader named in scandal-rocked CFA.

创造轰动票房记录的方法有两个。THERE are two ways to make a box-office smash.

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在网上,他们是立即引起了轰动。They were an instant sensation on the Internet.

但当时是个大公司,这条新闻很轰动But at the time it was big, so this was big news.

但她还没有在大满贯比赛造成大的轰动。But she hadn't yet made any noise at Grand Slams.

我希望它能在很多强档片里造成一个很大的轰动。I hope it makes hit among all other blockbusters.

全国为此谋杀事件而轰动。The whole country was astir with the murder event.

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这张唱片,刚一上市,就引起了轰动。This album, just a listing, it caused a sensation.

这部情景喜剧是一部很轰动的电影所衍生出来的节目。This sit-com is a spin-off of a blockbuster movie.

女王到访的消息轰动全城。News of the Queen's visit set the whole town astir.