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有势力的人是如何没落的。How the mighty have fallen.

首都耶路撒冷也随之没落。The capital, Jerusalem, fell.

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有些隐匿着家道没落的恐惧。Some hide fears of financial ruin.

这家就这样地完全没落了。The household ruin was thus full and orbicular.

话没落音,她就是一个大嘴巴打过来。Then decline tone, she is a big mouth to fight over.

教育不可以,受过良好教育的没落者更是随处可见。Education will not, the world is full educative derelicts.

到了元朝,定窑终于逐渐没落。To the Yuan Dynasty, Ding finally and gradually disappeared.

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南方已经没落,他说道,它会被北方所统治The South would end, he said, by being dominated by the North.

危害耸听的人总是把新兴一代当成没落的一代。Alarmists usually regard the rising generation as a falling one.

然而这繁华的背后,没落了几许的无奈呢?However this flourishing backside, the decline of many helpless?

这证实了世界杯赛上442阵型的没落。This was the tournament that confirmed the decline of the 4-4-2.

时至近代,满清王朝腐朽没落。At the modern times, the Ching dynasty was decadent and declining.

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他只能有一个想法,就是福尔赛的类型看上去已经日趋没落了。He could only think that it marked the decline of the Forsyte type.

一九二九年的经济大萧条导致许多原先非常富裕的人完全没落了。The Great Depression of 1929 left many former rich men down and out.

因而美国在线后来逐渐没落了。The United States is consequently online chase fadeout to fall later.

但那样将会让我们成为像英国一样日益没落的霸权。But that would put us in the role of Britain as the declining hegemon.

许多艺术家都认同当拉斐尔于1520年辞世时,古典艺术也随之没落。Many artists agree that when Raphael died in 1520, so did classic art.

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话音还没落,却发现这个人是冯爵。Words sound's still declines, but discovering this person is Ping Jue.

如是没落,暗淡之光燃起夜的渴望!Thus down-going, the darkening of light ignites the eagerness of night!

婆罗门教的复兴是出现在孔雀王朝没落的时期。A Brahmanic revival appears to have occurred with the fall of the Mauryas.