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这个政党分裂成两派。The party was rent in two.

还有,没错,我说的是政党之一。And, yes, I mean one of our parties.

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他们的政党在重建中。Their political party is rebuilding.

这个政党可能分分裂成两派。The party is likely to split in half.

今天,这个政党如同一片荒原。Today, the party is just a wasteland.

新政党也有不少抱怨。And the new party has a lot of gripes.


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该政党在下次选举时可能下台。This party may go out at next election.

预计任何一个政党都不会取得压倒优势。No one party is expected to be dominant.

美国在1787年时并不存在政党。Political parties did not exist in 1787.

老布什和他的政党都已失势。The man is spent, and his party with him.

中欧政党高层论坛呼唤全球改革。Inter-party forum calls for global reform.

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而今,他和他的政党则正在遭受打击。Now he and his party have taken a bashing.

完美的沉睡的政党或道班!Perfect for slumber parties or road trips!

他们已参加了那个政党。They have acceded to that political party.

有钱有势的政党常能在竞选中获胜。The haves can always win in the competition.

民建联是立法会内的最大政党。The DAB is the largest political party in Legco.

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这个政党在18至25岁的青年中很受欢迎。The party is popular with the 18-25 age bracket.

这政党分裂成好几个小派别。The political party Split up into many factions.

没有一个政党敢于面对国际金融。No politician who dares face down global finance.