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爱屋及乌。打狗看主面。Love me love my dog.

这真是一个爱屋及乌的例子。It was a case of love me, love my dog.

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爱屋及乌,爱相互的家庭和朋友。Accept and love each others' family and friends.

你知道吗,他们说“爱屋及乌”。You know they say, "Love your wife love her dog".

而我,却是爱屋及乌。只为,那是你经常探访的地方。And I, it is Only, it is a place you have visited.

我的父母爱屋及乌了很多,我很高兴,但我怕。My parents love me a lot and I am happy, but I'm scared.

这是件爱屋及乌之事,她不会去除非他被邀请了。It was a case of love me, love my dog, she wouldn't go unless he was invited.

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爱屋及乌。谚语是日常经验的结晶。人非圣贤,孰能无过。Love me, love my dog. Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience. To err is human.

我知道你与我的兄弟相片得不好,但如果我们合得来的话,你们也要合得来——爱屋及乌嘛。I know you don't get on well with my brother, but if I go, he's going too—love me, love my dog.

男人这样的爱屋及乌不可以。一个男人真有这样情结的话,他在婚姻中所扮演的角色必定是扭曲的。Men should not do that. If a man really has such a complex, then the role he played in marriage must be distorted.

我们遇见过和宠物穿一样服装的客户.这种就是爱屋及乌的情况.We have clients who have identical costumes for themselves and their dogs. It's the whole situation of -- Love me, love my dog.

一个真正有“心”的男人他会关心你,会爱屋及乌地对你感兴趣的事情产生兴趣,他会珍惜你,视你为掌上珍宝。A man “with a heart” is concerned about you, takes an interest in the things that interest you, and prizes you above anyone else.

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爱好书画艺术的任将军同样热爱祖国的茶文化,爱屋及乌,也对传统的茶壶十分倾心。As he is interested in paintings and calligraphy, he also likes the tea culture, and therefore, he is in love with traditional teapots.

爱屋及乌,你很快就会成为他们生活的一部分。Find a way to become part of those things that are of most interest to them, and you will have found a way to become part of their life.

爱屋及乌,我迷恋上她拥有的一切,所有这些看上去都那么完美、趣味高雅,与平常从商店里买来的迥然相异。I fell in love with everything she owned, it all seemed so intriguing, tasteful, different from what one could ordinarily buy in the shops.

虽然只有人是按著上帝的形象造的,但约拿的故事和圣经中许多内容都表明,上帝关爱人,也爱屋及乌地顾念动物。Though humans alone are made in the image of God, the story of Jonah and other Bible texts show a link between caring for people and animals.

爱屋及乌,我迷恋上她拥有的一切,所有这些看上去都那么完美、趣味高雅,与平常从商店里买来的迥然相异。By a form of transference, I fell in love with everything she owned, it all seemed so intriguing, tasteful, different from what one could ordinarily buy in the shops.

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为了能更接近爱骑自行车去兜风的洙旭,夏亭开始“爱屋及乌”地学起了骑车技术。The Zhu that go for a spin to can be close to love more by bicycle brilliance of the rising sun, xia Ting begins " love me " the geoscience rose to ride trick-cycling art.

有句成语叫“爱屋及乌”,事实上它反映出了教学过程中师生关系的重要性。There is a saying goes that "Love me, love my dog. " In language teaching, it reveals the importance to build up a friendly close relationship between teachers and students.